Mineral makeup 101
Mineral makeup is taking the beauty world by storm. But beyond all the buzz, is it better than conventional makeup?...

The Low-Car Diet: Could you live without your car?
Could you live without your car? The way gas prices have been lately—and with stronger concern for the environment and

Make fancy coffee at home for cheap
As the weather gets colder, I find myself drifting more and more often into coffee shops to warm up with

Work out with a slosh tube
Mark’s Daily Apple has a quick tutorial on making your own slosh tube: a length of PVC pipe that’s filled

Urgent: Go donate blood today!
Just read a post on Canadian Medicine that Canadian Blood Services is desperately short of donated blood and has issued

ONQI Update: Are carrots healthier than bok choy?
In our premiere issue of Best Health last spring (“Comparing apples to oranges”), we wrote about a new system being

Give A Day to World AIDS
Here’s a shout out to a truly inspirational Canadian woman: Dr. Jane Philpott. Get to know Dr. Philpott and her

Aromatherapy beauty products
In the October issue of Best Health, Liz Bruckner wrote about the benefits of aromatherapy, and how it can soothe,

Fast track beauty: 8 new products to try
CHEAP AND CHEERFUL: As of November 15, you no longer have to shlep to a Target store in the U.S.

Foods to give you gorgeous hair
Certain vitamin and mineral deficiencies can harm your hair's health. Find out what they are and get recipes that will...

The best bra for your bust
Whether boosting or minimizing, sexy or sporty, the bra you wear should change depending on your outfit and what you're...

Faster eaters tend to get fat
People who eat their meals quickly, and continue eating until they are full are three times more likely to become

What to do with green tomatoes
I just cleaned up my garden on the weekend in anticipation of today’s awful, terrible, icy cold weather and picked

Staff tested: The best serums
Serums are a nice addition to your beauty regimen, especially during fall and winter, when skin tends to get drier....

Lasers and light therapy
Great skin is the foundation of looking good. Harsh chemical peels and under-the-knife surgeries are giving way to kinder and...

Physiotherapy really can help to keep your knees healthy
More and more medical research is demonstrating how powerful a tool physiotherapy can be when it comes to preventing knee

Green beauty: What the labels mean
In the past few years, the number of beauty products wearing labels such as 'organic' or 'natural' or promoted as...

Natural home remedies: Eczema
Like so many skin problems, eczema can itch worse than a bad conscience. Here are some home remedies to get...

Healthy holidays
In less than a week I’ll be sipping a fruity drink andbasking in the sunny warmth of the sun on

Signed up for the flu shot?
October is Influenza Immunization Awareness month and those curious about whether influenza has a toehold in their area can keep

Are you getting enough vitamin D?
As daylight hours begin to wane, it’s time to reconsider the vitamin D question. Just how much does a woman

How to save apples for later
If you’ve got lots of apples and lots of space, and you don’t want to turn them all into applesauce,

Gluten-free cookies
Life’s tough if you can’t eat gluten—especially in our wheat-loving, baked-goods-obsessed culture. But with a little creativity, you can enjoy

Why we run
Let these three books inspire to run—faster and farther—this fall. What I Talk About When I Talk About Running A

Calorie-free Halloween treats
October is upon us, which means the next few weeks are to be spent resisting—and succumbing to—bite-sized morsels of candy

The best workout music
The BBC reports on a researcher who’s found the perfect tempo for workout music—120 to 140 beats per minute. I’m

Easy homemade energy bars
Now this is why I bought myself a fancy new food processor. Mark’s Daily Apple has a recipe up for

BC wins the prize?
That’s Fit reports that despite growing waistlines around the world, obesity rates in BC have actually dropped over the past

New: A salon service…for your breasts
Where can a woman always count on a little friendly advice and support when it comes to her personal life?