Low-guilt Easter eggs
I swear it was just Valentine’s Day, but no, the second chocolate-oriented holiday of the year is upon us, the

When can you call yourself a runner?
I would never say I’ve been a non-runner. The mile was one of the two things I was good at

A fabulous giveaway from Sweetspot.ca
One of the perks of my job is getting to read magazines and other websites for work (it’s research!), and

Now this is a hotel perk
I love staying in hotels (especially nice ones!), and hotels with fabulous services are just that much better. So I

Best Health Magazine: Spring 2008
Discover what you'll find in the Spring 2008 issue of Best Health, plus get links to what's online

Best Health Magazine: Summer 2008
Discover what you'll find in the Summer 2008 issue of Best Health, plus get links to what's online

Best Health Magazine: September 2008
Discover what you'll find in the September 2008 issue of Best Health, plus get links to what's online

Best Health Magazine: October 2008
Discover what you'll find in the October 2008 issue of Best Health, plus get links to what's online

Best Health Magazine: January/February 2009
Discover what you'll find in the January/February 2009 issue of Best Health, plus get links to what's online

This magical lip balm fights AIDS’really!
Despite many years of education about safe sex and preventing HIV/AIDS, there are still more than 3,000 people aged 15-24

High heels and your health
High heels may not be the best choice for our health, but new innovations are making them easier to wear...

New documentaries for food lovers
Love food? You may want to check out The Great Food Revolution, a new four-part documentary series being shown on

Help your local food bank
Have you given to your food bank lately? With more than 700,000 Canadians using them each month, our local food

Recipe: Basil and grape rum cocktail
Cheers! I went to a Bacardi rum tasting recently. I sat at a table with a placemat of eight shot

The best time of day to exercise
There was an article in the New York Times yesterday about the best time of day to exercise—essentially, whether evening

A drink a day ups cancer risk in women
As I enjoyed a glass of red wine at the end of the day yesterday, it was the type of

Best Health Magazine: March/April 2009
Discover what you'll find in the March/April 2009 issue of Best Health, plus get links to what's online

Boost your hair’s volume
Do you have flat hair—and hate it? You might want to try switching products, to something that works to develop

Fight cavities’with gum?
It sounds like ’50s sci-fi, but the science is solid: Trident has introduced a gum that actually strengthens tooth enamel

New in beauty: St. Ives Mineral Therapy
I don’t know about you, but after a long, dry winter, my skin is parched. I’m always trying new body

Skin care designed for women in their 30s
I’ve heard it from several of my friends—as we approach (or move slightly past) 30, our skin suddenly starts to

Get soft, stink-free feet for spring
It’s March—so it’s time for sandals, right? Well, maybe only in my head (or on a tropical vacation), but that

Anti-aging perfume?
In the world of anti-aging, I thought no stone had been left unturned until I tried a new scent called

Healthy summer sandals
Cute summer sandals don't have to mean sore feet and a misaligned body. Follow these tips to find sandals that...

Disappointing trans fat update
In our Premiere issue of Best Health magazine last March, we called upon Health Canada to ban trans fats in

Counterfeit toothbrushes hit Canada
What are you brushing your teeth with? Counterfeit purses. Counterfeit money. There are even reports of counterfeit prescription drugs. Yesterday’s

Attention Ontario smokers: Quit and you could win a car!
Quit smoking for the month of March 2009 and you will be eligible for a chance to win a 2009

An apple a day…that’s right for you!
• Apple Chicken Roll Up Don’t miss a single Best Health Blog post—subscribe today via RSS or email!

Do yoga for arthritis research
Doing yoga helps keep your body mobile—and by doing yoga on February 22, you could help others become more mobile,