If your genes put you at higher risk for cancer, would you want to know?
An article in today’s Globe and Mail reports that Jewish women of Eastern European descent are at an increased risk

Have your latkes and eat them, too!
It’s the first day of Hanukkah and I’m getting ready to chow down on my mom’s famous latkes (potato pancakes).

6 ways your shoes are hurting your feet
Sure you love your sexy footwear, but those uncomfortable shoes aren't just a pain'they're causing some serious damage to your...

Winter coat (and breakfast) woes
Yesterday on the Toronto subway, my form of getting to work, the trains were stopped because of some sort of

3 stocking stuffers, including something for the boys
Cargo Classic Lip Gloss in Whistler. Need I say more? By the holidays, Olympics fever will be at full pitch.

8 secrets to shopping for shapewear
Shapewear won't do you much good if you don't like to wear it. Here are some pro shopping tips for...

Cookin’ with my homies
Let’s talk about Coolio for a minute. Yes, I’m serious. Now, I’m not sure you could ever call me a

What modern shapewear can do for your curves
Popularized by Spanx, today's body-slimming undergarments are easier on the body than their predecessors

Three of the World’s Greenest Retailers are Canadian
Shopping season has begun. And while a good sale always inspires a trip downtown or to the mall, there

Should insurance companies use Facebook to investigate health claims?
I just came across this CBC article reporting that a Quebec woman has been denied long-term sick-leave benefits because of

Are nail polish removers bad for your health?
Find out if you should be avoiding the chemicals in your nail polish remover

Breast Fest film festival features stories of survival
It’s not easy being a big sister. My little sis Alicia and I fought constantly as kids. She had this

Guerlain launches new fragrance Idylle
There are some things you don’t want to contemplate, such as McDonald’s opening at the Louvre. Or Guerlain, one of

Can you celebrate being fat and still be healthy?
Like almost 90 percent of Canadian women, I am not always super-thrilled with my body. You know how it is’you

What do you think of the November/December issue of Best Health?
We love to get your feedback: whether you pick up Best Health magazine at the store or receive it in

Easy 5-minute makeup routine
Get out the door fast with our pared-down routine of just the makeup essentials

How to organize your makeup bag
Best Health beauty editor Rhonda Rovan shares her tips for organizing your makeup bag'and downsizing your daily routine

Comedian Mary Walsh isn’t kidding about COPD
I just got off the phone with comedian Mary Walsh of This Hour Has 22 Minutes fame. I’m a fan

I love Toronto’just don’t have a heart attack here
My name is Jennifer and I am a Torontonian. But please, don’t hold it against me. As a born-and-raised Toronto

My new walking inspiration’
Sometimes as the temperature drops, the days get shorter’it’s pitch dark at 5:30 already!’and the regular route is looking drab,

Healthy living on Sesame Street
I don’t know about you all, but I learned quite a bit about healthy living from Sesame Street. Sure, my

Best Health wins two awards!
Last Thursday evening we were honoured with not one but two P&G Beauty awards. Rhonda Rovan was named Canada’s Best

The Body Shop brings back the classics
Whenever I see the word cucumber in a skin care product, I’m there. (In a salad, not so much.) I

5 hot new hair products
We searched, we found, we share with you: Consider making some room on your hair-care shelf for one or more...

Argument against private clinics goes beyond H1N1 vaccine
Here’s a story that set my pro-public-healthcare blood to boiling today: Private health clinics in Toronto and Vancouver have purportedly

8 multi-tasking beauty products
Beauty emergency, or trying to save cash and space? Raid your on-hand beauty stash for products that pull double-duty in...

The prettiest apple you’ve ever seen
Fruit is my favourite food, so when Toronto-area grocer Longo’s volunteered to send over some of their fancy new apples,

Reader letters: November/December 2009
Find out what readers had to say in letters from the November/December issue of Best Health Magazine

Best Health Magazine: November/December 2009
Discover what you'll find in the November/December 2009 issue of Best Health, plus get links to what's online