Nutricosmetics: Can drinks and foods make you beautiful?
The latest beauty goodies are in nutricosmetics'chocolates, drinks and even marshmallows containing ingredients that claim to enhance the skin. But...

News: Could Canada’s Medicare be at risk?
Oh, Canada. I find it ironic that, in light of the historic healthcare-reform vote in the U.S. last week, we

5 ways to challenge yourself at the gym
Whether you're bored of your lacklustre routine or you want to push past a plateau, these five techniques will help...

News: Women have some control over breast cancer risk
My mother has been urging me to go get a test that will tell me I carry a gene that

News: China shows diabetes risk linked to lifestyle
Which country do you think has the world’s biggest diabetes epidemic? If you asked me that question yesterday, I would

News: Last Supper portions are out of control: study
I’m making an attempt to be more conscious of my portion sizes these days. It’s part of my personal everything-in-moderation

Contest: How do you get more fibre in your diet?
However unsexy it may be, we all know that fibre is good for us. Low fibre consumption can lead to

The U.S. voted for healthcare reform: Now it’s time for change in Canada
Big news for our neighbours to the south: Late last night, the U.S. Congress voted to pass the hotly contested

News: Should pop contain caffeine?
Canada has always had a bizarre rule that cola-like beverages (like Coca-Cola and Pepsi) could contain caffeine, but other soft

“I learned to live with celiac disease.”
Kayla Uniac took control of her symptoms to discover she had celiac disease'and took control of her life to manage...

News: Government says contraception doesn’t save women’s lives’are they living in ...
Dear Prime Minister, Have you somehow managed to secretly put us all in a Conservative time machine and set the

News: 600-lb woman wants to be world’s fattest — Is that a problem?
OK, show of hands: How many of you (even secretly) aspire to lose weight this year? I know my hand

News: Quebec to fund IVF treatments’should other provinces follow?
I’ll let you know up front that I do not have children, nor have I ever tried to have a

New diet tip: Drink a glass of wine a day
I’m all for sipping a glass of wine (or two, I confess) with dinner every now and again. However, some

Beauty foods: What to eat to look great
The key to looking beautiful lies in what you eat. Here's what beauty foods should be on your menu

Coming to a mall near you: A giant colon
I took a little stroll through the inside of a colon yesterday. Yes, a colon; the large organ that makes

Trend alert: Hot new workout style focuses on fun
Looks like I’m not the only one who has resolved to make fitness more fun: fusion exercise has become the

The truth about pharmaceutical-grade skincare
Many dermatologist offices now offer super-strength products. Here's what you should know about these exclusive brands

News: Should the women’s hockey team be allowed to celebrate?
I’m sure many of you joined us at Best Health in celebrating last night’s great Canadian Olympic victories: first, a

A greeting from India
Calgary-based writer Debra Cummings’ story about her trip to Kurseong in Northern India, to help buy a home for orphans,

Staff-tested: The best intense moisturizers and body lotions
We dove into these six lotions and moisturizers to soothe dry, itchy winter skin

Get ready to challenge yourself!
If you’ve picked up the March/April issue of Best Health (I hear it’s started to appear on newsstands), you’ll already

“How we fell in love with hot yoga.”
How one Toronto couple learned to love sweating in their local Bikram hot yoga studio

Survey: Share your experience with cancer
Have you had, or do you currently have, cancer, or do you know someone who fits that profile? Are you

How to ease muscle pain after exercise
Feeling achy after a vigorous workout? Here's why your muscles hurt and what you can do to ease the pain

5 easy ways to look beautiful in a bikini
No time to tone up before your beach getaway? Try these easy (and safe) tricks for looking fantastic in your...

News: Should pets be banned from airplanes?
Let’s get something straight right up front: I am an animal lover. My roommate has adorable cats and though their

What to do about rosacea
For the millions who have it, rosacea can be tough to live with. But there are ways to get relief...

News: Obese woman gets her parking spot’and a lot of flack
Whether or not obesity is a moral issue or health condition is a hot-button topic among Canadian newsreaders today in