Should 50 Cent’s weight loss be applauded or condemned?
50 Cent is sure getting a lot of attention for his extreme weight loss. The famed rapper reportedly lost more

News: What can 10 minutes of exercise do for you?
Just 10 minutes of "brisk" exercise could result in metabolic changes in your body for up to an hour, according

Meatless Monday Recipe: Feta-Veg Pasta
I’m loving that the cold weather seems to truly be behind us [fingers crossed!], and I don’t want to spend

How to prepare for a charity walk
Walking for charity is a great way to raise money for a cause'but it's not as easy as it sounds!...

News: Teen pregnancy rates are down, but we can’t get complacent, says study
The teen pregnancy rate in Canada has dropped 37 percent in the last 10 years‘a more significant decline than in

Lash enhancers: Are they safe?
Longing for luscious, lengthy lashes? Best Health has the lowdown on the latest lash enhancers

News: McDonald’s lowers sodium in grilled chicken, but it’s still pretty salty
McDonald’s Canada has lowered the sodium content in its Happy Meal grilled chicken wrap to 530 mgs, reports the CBC.

News: Bottled water contains high levels bacteria: study
Environmentalists have been wagging their green fingers at the bottled water industry for years, condemning the negative impact that plastic

Guest post: How to be sexy at any size
Guest blogger Stella Ellis flaunted her plus-size curves as a model for Jean Paul Gaultier in the 1990s’a time when

New online: What’s the worst thing you can drink?
Over the long weekend, I broke my diet. There. I said it. Between movie popcorn and Rice Krispies squares, I

Does lunchtime liposuction really work?
Can you really get slim with the latest fat-blasting technology? Here's what happened when one writer put lunchtime liposuction to...

News: Harvard has bad news for bacon lovers
Step away from the Baconator. According to a new study from the Harvard School of Public Health, eating too much

News: Victorian women weren’t prudes, according to sex survey
When I think of Victorian women, I imagine buttoned up blouses and puritanical attitudes. Not so, reveals a sex survey

News: NHL star speaks about experience with ulcerative colitis
According to the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of Canada, more than 9,200 Canadians are diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)’which

News: American Heart Association admits exercise is boring
On the list of products bearing the iconic American Heart Association logo, video games may not immediately spring to mind.

Meatless Monday: Tempeh Kebabs
I’ve always been curious to try tempeh, and what better chance to do just that than for one of my

News: Will Robert Munsch help destigmatize mental illness?
One in seven Canadians has identified symptoms of a mood disorder such as depression at some point in their life,

New online: An interactive way to fight skin cancer
With temperatures on the rise, it’s almost time to break out the summer wardrobe. But before you start lounging next

5 health habits that make you look older
Are bad habits adding years to your appearance? Check out these five habits that make you look older, and what...

News: Are restaurants sharing too much information?
In an era of online calorie counters, Atkins diets and point values, choosing what to eat for dinner can be

News: Sugar really does help the medicine go down: study
Hello, my name is Jenn and I’m an emotional sugar-eater. It’s true; I gravitate to sweet snacks when I feel

News: Perfume chemicals stink: report
Like many women (and men as well), I give myself a spritz of perfume before I leave the house every

Meatless Monday: The perfect Greek salad
What’s more delicious than a Greek salad? Not much, if you ask me. So fresh and satisfying not just as

News: When are you too old for motherhood?
With Mother’s Day just barely behind us and reproductive rights taking centre stage in the political arena, there is another

The ultimate workout for summer abs
Looking for the ultimate workout to sculpt summer abs? Start now on these crunch-free moves designed to tone your midriff...

How Gwyneth Paltrow got in shape for Iron Man 2
I marked last week’s International No Diet Day with a hard look at how I feel about my body shape’it’s

News: This Mother’s Day, celebrate the birth control pill
This coming Mother’s Day marks the 50th anniversary of the approval of the birth control pill in the United States.

Happy International No Diet Day!
Doesn’t it seem counterintuitive to celebrate not dieting when our culture so enthusiastically rewards weight loss? Well, today’s the day

We’ve been nominated!
The Best Health team just got some great news: One of our articles has been nominated for a National Magazine