Meatless Monday: Goat’s Cheese & Tomato Salad
Well, you might not consider this to be a full meal, but trust me, if you sit down with a

Top 10 fall beauty picks
It's time to ditch your summer makeup and replace it with the hottest products of the upcoming season. The Fall...

Nutrition: How eating watercress may help prevent cancer cell growth
Watercress is one of those greens I tend to overlook. Although I love its crisp texture, and peppery taste, it’s

Event: Terry Fox Run celebrates 30 years of hope
Each year, thousands of Canadians tie up their laces for the Terry Fox Run and hit the pavement to support

Events: What’s happening this weekend
If you happen to be in Abbotsford, Toronto or Cape Breton this weekend, go to one of these fit and

Guest post: What I’ve learned about holistic nutrition
Guest blogger Laura Duralija Rocca is currently studying to become a registered holistic nutritionist. She shares her favourite recipes on

Fit Mom: Parents strongly influence kids’ food choices
Getting kids to eat healthily is often a challenge. It’s one I struggle with all the time. I pack healthy

News: Cancer survival rates have improved, report
With the Walk to End Women’s Cancers last weekend and the Terry Fox run in a matter of days, new

Beauty tips: 5 new beauty products
Here are the beauty products that caught my eye this week: Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed PowderI’ve been using this and

How to choose a healthy handbag
Giant handbags may be in style, but carrying a heavy load can really hurt your back. Here's what styles work...

Vitiligo: What if your skin started changing colour?
In Toronto we’re in the midst of one of the most glamourous times of the year’the Toronto International Film Festival.

Nutrition: Pile on the peppers
Local markets are now at their most impressive: There are still reminders of summer in the last baskets of peaches,

Event: Best Health walks for the Weekend to End Women’s Cancers
It’s hard to describe the feeling you get when you commit to doing the Weekend to End Women’s Cancers, an

Fall makeup trend: Smokey eyes
As I’ve mentioned in the past, I’ve never been one to shy away from bright lip colours’ red, fuschia, orange,

News: Sleeping pills linked to increased risk of dying
As a person who struggles with insomnia, I can honestly say that almost anything is better than drudging through a

Fit Mom: Getting kids ‘wired’ for back-to-school
Now that school has started it’s back to routine and’dare I say it’rules. We don’t run what you would call

Events: Charity walks this weekend
Get out for a walk, if you happen to be in Toronto, Vancouver and Moncton. Here is a list of

News: Massage affects body’s immune response, study
As if we need another reason to get a massage! But beyond feeling heavenly, getting a massage may actually alter

New product: Pantene’s new haircare line promotes company’s wig charity
I recently got my hair cut and my hairdresser, Pablo, styled it with lovely waves. When I looked in the

News: Possible link between non-stick cookware and high cholesterol in kids
Non-stick cookware may make life easier in the kitchen’no stuck-on food means easier cleaup after dinner’but if you’re a parent,

Beauty tips: 5 new beauty products
As Best Health Beauty Editor, I’m regularly introduced to new beauty products. Here’s what’s caught my eye this week: WoWee

5 unhealthy beauty habits you need to break
From the way you file your nails to the way you apply fragrance, your beauty rituals can have a surprising...

Events: What’s happening this week
If you happen to be in Burlington, Moncton or Whistler over the next week, check out these healthy, fun and

News: Hearing loss on the rise among teen girls
I remember the first time I truly realized I was no longer a kid. I was out having some drinks

News: Can eating chocolate make the world a better place?
It’s hard not to love a good piece of chocolate. Whether you’re a true chocoholic or just like a little

News: Sitting on the loo may be bad for your health
As a person trying to live a healthy lifestyle, I have a lot to think about. Am I eating enough

Dengue fever: Are you at risk?
An old viral disease has resurfaced: dengue fever. According to the World Health Organization, about two-fifths of the global population

Winners of the Governor General’s Award in Celebration of the Nation’s Table
In the September 2010 issue of Best Health, fresh food chef Paul Finkelstein wrote about being asked, along with his

Events: What’s happening this week
If you happen to be in Vancouver, Winnipeg or Quebec City this weekend, check out these healthy, fun and