Events: Celebrate the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day
Yes, International Women’s Day has been around since 1911! There are more than two hundred events across the country aimed

Q&A: Why your makeup may be dangerous
Best Health speaks to Gillian Deacon, journalist and breast cancer survivor, about the toxins lurking in the beauty products we...

News: Would you try ice cream made from human breast milk?
Do you fancy some human breast milk ice cream? Londoners who were waiting to try this stange dessert won’t be

News: Researchers find high levels of E. coli on shopping carts
It’s such a simple routine; you head to the grocery store, grab a shopping cart, plunk your purse’or perhaps your

Nutrition: Trying the raw-food diet
Think eating raw means munching the day away on crudité and salads? It’s doesn’t have to be like that at

Meatless Monday: Vegetable Black-Bean Casserole
How easy–and healthy–is this for a Monday meal? If you’re looking to cut back on the meat in your diet,

Debate: Do dramatic celebrity weight transformations encourage eating disorders?
When Natalie Portman took the stage last night to accept the Academy Award for Best Actress, she looked absolutely radiant

Beauty trend: The half-moon manicure
This week I was treated to a manicure at Toronto’s Tips Nail Bar, to try out Revlon’s newest spring

Kids with self-control grow into successful adults
Researchers in New Zealand published a study that analyzed data from 1,000 children and tracked them until they were 32

News: Online drug information less reliable in Canada than in U.S.
I admit that the first thing I do when a doctor prescribes me a new medication is turn to Google.

Events: What’s happening this weekend
Here are some events happening over the next few days that may inspire you to plant a tree, rethink

News: Depression affects how moms respond to crying babies
Crying is the primary way that infants communicate, so when I’m with a baby who starts crying, I often find

Debate: Should you lose weight for God?
Being overweight can certainly be unhealthy, but could it also be immoral? Journey Church, an evangelical church with four locations

What’s online from Best Health’s March/April 2011 issue
Looking for the tips and advice we mentioned in the March/April 2011 issue of the magazine? Find more on the...

News: Bieber "hearts" Canadian health care: so what?
Justin Bieber. Are you sick of this kid yet? I’m not a 16-year-old girl, so I can’t fully understand his

Fit Mom: Exercise helps kids do better in math
Remember when you were a kid and you spent your days outside’and you loved it? There wasn’t a lot of

Beauty is in the details: Chanel
If there’s a beauty company that mines its history and somehow meshes it with the contemporary more than Chanel, I

Insomnia: A drug-free treatment that might actually help you sleep
As a longtime insomniac, I recognize that there is a shame associated with not being able to sleep. The message

Meatless Monday: Heart-smart Pomegranate Salad
How can you enjoy pomegranate? Let us count the ways. But first, here’s why it’s one of the best foods

Nutrition: My week as a semi-vegan
For those who didn’t see last Monday’s Nutrition blog (Giving vegan cooking a whirl), I’ve spent the past week alternating

3 steps to the perfect matte lip
One of the hottest beauty trends for spring is the sophisticated matte lip. Here's your three-step guide to getting gorgeous...

News: Scientists release list of must-eat healthy foods
Food Technology, the magazine of the Institute of Food Technologists, recently published a list of 16 healthy foods you should

Fit Mom: New book may help delay teens from drinking
I got a press release today that piqued my interest. It’s about a new parenting guide and microsite produced by

News: Woman dies after cosmetic buttocks injections
This is an attention-grabbing headline, no? It might even elicit a few snickers. However, the circumstances behind the headline raises

News: Lack of sleep increases risk for colon cancer
Sleep is important and I know the lack thereof can leave me functioning under par, so I am constantly trying

Guest post: Man vs. high blood pressure
We’ve been amazed at the way Grant Faulkner, an account manager here at Best Health, has tackled’and defeated’his high blood

Nutrition: Giving vegan cooking a whirl
With all the buzz about Oprah and her staff eating vegan‘no eggs, dairy, fish or meat’for a week, I thought

News: February 6-12 is Eating Disorder Awareness Week
Let’s be honest’at one point or another, we’ve probably all been on some kind of diet. We’ve cringed at photos

Event: World Cancer Day uses education to reduce cancer deaths
It seems like there is a special day for everything, doesn’t it? A simple Internet search on ‘special days in