News: Do federal election candidates lead unhealthy lives?
A recent Globe and Mail piece surveyed the risks involved with being a Canadian federal politician on a busy schedule

Events: What’s happening this week
Here are four ways to celebrate the Earth, plant a tree, take a free yoga class and get a great

The truth about clothing sizes
Why aren't clothing sizes consistent in every store? We solve one of shopping's greatest mysteries

Here’s how to choose clothes that fit
You can't rely on clothing sizes to help you find clothes that fit. Here's how to build a wardrobe that...

News: Dieters are easily duped
The key to successful weight loss is making the right food choices. And that isn’t always easy, which is why

News: Do you have a right to know if your surgeon is hungover?
If you’re reading this while procrastinating at your desk job (don’t worry, we all do it), it probably doesn’t really

News: Does sugar cause cancer?
It’s now common knowledge that lifestyle factors’lack of exercise, smoking and obesity among them ‘ can increase your risk of

Nutrition: Vegetarians may have lower risk of heart disease and diabetes
I already consider myself a semi-vegetarian, as I eat fish, eggs and the occasional meat meal. But the results of

Get Kate Middleton’s natural-beauty look
Princess-to-be Kate Middleton has a beauty that's understated and simply chic. Find out how to get her radiant and pretty...

Beauty obsession: Colourful eyeliners
Back in January of this year, rather than put pressure on myself to exercize more or be more organized, I

Diet trend: What is the Dukan Diet?
Foreign diets seem to have a certain appeal with North American audiences. Seven years after the release of Mireille Guiliano’s

A new lice prevention treatment
A new product came into our office that seemed worthy of a mention here. It might be the answer the

Events: What’s happening this week
Here’s a list of things to do this week, including supporting cancer research, checking out a health show and going

Get royally toned in time for your wedding
No doubt Will and Kate have been training long and hard to look picture perfect at their wedding. Kick-start your...

Strange but true: Your leggings are making you flabby
The warmer weather is finally here and I’m already starting to see skirts and even a few pairs of shorts

Debate: Will banning packed lunches from school make kids healthier?
As an elementary schooler, one of my favourite possessions was my Jem and the Holograms lunch box. Each day, I’d

Food for thought: Would you ever eat bugs?
They’re high in protein, plentiful throughout the world and provide a satisfying crunch, but would you chow down on a

Meatless Monday: Family Pasta Bake
What do you do with all the odds and ends of pasta in your cupboard? Turn them into a huge,

Nutrition: Don’t let an organic label fool you into eating less healthily
Ever load up your grocery cart with healthy foods, maybe even throwing in a few organic vegetables and some organic

The top 10 spring beauty picks
Try the hottest beauty trends this spring with some of our favourite new beauty products

News: Cat-allergy vaccine in the works
A friend of mine lives with two adorable cats to whom she is terribly allergic. Anyone who has ever loved

Weird surgery trend: Would you risk your health to have ears like an elf?
Say you’re a big, big fan of elves. Stay with me here, readers. Just say that you love elves, like

Fit Mom: Are kids really too busy? Or do we love it?
I had two conversations this week with other moms who talked about the stress of their kids’ extracurricular activities. Something

Events: Ricardo Larrivée’s cookware launch party
That’s me. And that’s Ricardo Larrivée, of Ricardo and Friends fame. Last week he launched his new line of cookware

News: Did this Egyptian mummy die of a heart attack?
Heart disease is an increasing epidemic in our society and it’s a condition I once credited to our unhealthy lifestyles,

The truth about phthalates
Phthalates, a type of petroleum-based chemical, are found in products we use every day. But could these chemicals be dangerous...

News: B.C. to add larger ambulances for obese patients to fleet
While it’s not news to anyone at this point that there is an obesity epidemic happening in this country, it

Nutrition: Maple syrup’a sugar with benefits
As I was drizzling maple syrup over my whole-wheat blueberry pancakes yesterday morning, I couldn’t help but think of the

News: Cancer patients don’t quit smoking
Dear smokers, I’m not one to pass judgement on anybody’s habits and/or lifestyle choices. Smoking is of course very bad