Nutrition: Greens may help treat breast cancer
One of my favourite spring tasks is planting pots of herbs by my back door so I can easily add

Events: What to do this week
Why not ride your bike to work, help the hungry, chat with a holistic nutritionist or show your support for

Fit Mom: Healthy summer snack Ideas for kids
Summer is a great time to "reset" kids eating habits’there are so many delicious in-season fruits and veggies to enjoy

Debate: Do fat men have it easy?
I have a fit male friend on the fast track at a large company who jokes that to he needs

News: The real reason women fall for bad boys
Those brooding eyes, that smug expression and confident swagger ‘ it’s enough to make your heart skip a beat. ‘Bad

New online: What would you say to your 16-year-old self?
Oh, if we could only go back and firmly shake some sense into our teenage selves! I would tell 16-year-old

News: Cheese could be a heart-healthy food
If you have a love for cheese in your heart, cheese has love for your heart, too. A new study

Men: Getting a kick out of all-star dads
I spent part of yesterday in a slick sports bar beside the Air Canada Centre hearing a few men, a

“I lost all my hair to alopecia”
What would you do if you lost all your hair to alopecia? Read how one woman came to feel comfortable...

Trend: Is it healthier to skip the shampoo?
Ditch the soap and suds and let your hair down au naturel ‘ it’s healthy! Or at least it won’t

News: Sleep deprivation can make you deviant
Sleep and I have a troubled relationship. Don’t get me wrong, I love sleep and I always will. But sometimes,

11 new products for glowing, healthy skin
Feel beautiful in your own skin'and be confident baring more of it in light spring clothing'with these new skincare products

Debate: Is it weird to eat your placenta?
There’s an interesting story up at healthzone.ca about Toronto doula Rean Cross, who offers a service to new mothers: she

6 ways to get gorgeous skin for spring
The warmer weather means we can finally say goodbye to long pants and sweaters. Try these tips for beautiful glowing...

Debate: Middle-age women shouldn’t wear bikinis
Or so says a survey of 2,000 women in the UK. According to this report in the Daily Mail, most

News: Food scientists concoct a healthier ice cream
At the University of Missouri, ice cream won’t be a high-fat, high-calorie junk food for much longer. It’s going to

Events: What to do this weekend
Looking for something to do this weekend? You could meet a professional gardener, get rid of the clutter in your

News: The real reason men sleep better than women
Ever wonder why many men seem to fall asleep quicker and sleep in much later than women? Now scientists have

News: Could Big Brother make you healthier?
According to a study described on the Scientific American website, it’s not just when your mother’s watching that you pick

News: Canadian doctors prescribing placebo pills’and they work
Dummy drugs can do more than their name suggests. "Placebos have helped alleviate pain, depression, anxiety, Parkinson’s disease, inflammatory disorders

Events: Celebrate Mom
Here are three ways to spend time with mom on Mother’s Day. Make brunch May 8 Across Canada If you’re

Debate: Did Kate Middleton have ‘brideorexia’?
The dress has been seen, the vows have been said and now the Duchess of Cambridge (née Kate Middleton) is

Event: It’s all about you!
I’m looking forward to presenting two lunchtime events today at Toronto’s First Canadian Place with editor-in-chief Bonnie Munday and Best

Beauty tips: Breathe deep for beauty
In launching its new skin care, SkinErgetic, Biotherm teamed up with David Servan-Schreiber, a French physicist and neuroscientist to offer

News: What can we do to make kids more active?
Last week, a report came out that was déjà vu all over again’once more, say researchers, Canadian children are failing
Jessica Buchanan: Canadian olfactory artist extraordinaire
Fragrance is about passion and memory. Here's how one Canadian woman's nostalgia for a childhood candy helped make her dream...

News: Does money buy you breast cancer?
Money can’t buy you love, and wealth doesn’t always buy you health. According to a new study published by Statistics

News: Woman contracts meningitis from pigeons
Pigeons have always seemed kind of dirty to me, and I always try to keep my distance. I grew up

News: Are pesticides making us dumber?
I’ve always been suspicious of pesticides, and I try to buy organic as much as possible, but a recent story