Fit Mom: Ideas to get kids to spend time outside
For any parent, it’s not hard getting the kids outside on the beautiful days of summer. But author Rebecca P.

Events: What to do this week (June 23 to June 30)
Hit the links June 23, 11 am Scarborough, Ont. Whether you’ve go the skills of Annika Sorenstam or just enjoy

Trend: Would you sculpt your pubic hair for a good cause?
It’s the female version of Movember, only instead of growing facial hair, Julyna involves growing and shaping your pubic hair.

News: Genetics to blame for infidelity
Cheaters, you were born with it. A recent study suggests your (or your ex’s) wandering eye could be due to

News: Jersey Shore could be making you stupid
Confession: Sometimes, I like to watch reality TV. And you know what? I don’t feel guilty about it. Yes, watching

Nutrition: Broccoli compound confirmed as both safe, and a cancer fighter
Does it feel like you’re always hearing good news about broccoli? That’s because each research study reveals just a small

News: You can’t catch up on sleep
If you’re only getting six hours of a shut-eye a night, sleeping in on the weekend won’t be enough to

Fit Mom: Little girl plays with dead squirrel: Is this video a health risk?
My husband and 14 year-old son recently shared a popular YouTube video with me that they thought was hilarious. It’s

Trend: Moms going to extremes to limit weight gain in pregnancy
The pressure to return to a pre-pregnancy weight is leading some new moms to develop what’s been dubbed "mommyrexia." According

How to stay healthy at the salon
In Canada, public health inspections of salons and spas are not the norm. Here's what you need to know to...

5 salon safety horror stories
Before your next visit to the spa, make sure you're aware of the risks. Here's what you need to know...

News: Some fans choose hockey over health
I grew up in a smaller Ontario town, so naturally the sport of hockey is in my blood. I’d catch

Nutrition: How to avoid E. coli in sprouts
Personally, I’ve never been a big fan of sprouts’something about their texture. But with research showing that broccoli sprouts contain

Myth buster: Birth control pills don’t cause weight gain
Last year, the birth control pill celebrated its 50th anniversary. Despite half a century of being on the market, it’s

Fit Mom: Most parents aren’t putting kids in booster seats
I couldn’t wait until my kids outgrew their car seats. It was always hard for me to carry them in

Events: What to do this week (June 9 – June 15)
Why not check out a healthy photo exhibit, learn about breast milk and raise money to keep girls active? And

Debate: Would you trust a guy to take oral contraception?
I think it’s been well established in our society that, in heterosexual relationships, condoms shouldn’t be solely the man’s responsibility’both

Beauty: Neutrogena’s healthy skin history
Neutrogena is mining its rich history by presenting editors with some of its key milestones. Anyone remember the company’s clear

I Tried It: L’ Oreal’s X-Tenso Hair Smoothing Treatment
One of the great perks about working with BH’s beauty editor Rhonda Rovan, is that I get some excellent advice.

Tip: Beat blisters from your summer sandals
Confession: I have a thing for shoes. Heels, flats, sandal, boots’ I love (and own multiple pairs of) ’em all.

News: Eating fatty meats may relax your arteries, study
Last weekend, as the smell of grilled meat wafted through my neighbourhood, I thought, Yes, it’s barbeque season! A BBQ

9 superfoods to rev up your workout
Looking for delicious and nutritious exercise snacks? Read why these energy-boosting foods are the ideal choices before and after your...

Fit Mom: Irregular periods may be a warning sign
As mom to a 14 year-old boy, I’m completely caught up in the storm of changing and raging hormones right

Debate: Do you hate your women friends when they lose weight?
I often hear about the benefits of having a fitness buddy or working out with a friend. Having someone to

Events: What to do this week
Looking for something to do? Check out Cliffwalk, travel the world without leaving Canada, meet up with some Greek cooks,

5 summer beauty must-haves
What's essential for looking great this summer? We went to the experts'the finalists of the 2011 Best Health Blog Awards'for...

News: Cellphones classified as "possibly carcinogenic"
Cellphone bills are not the only reason consumers will want to limit their talk-time. Scientists now say that cellphone radiation

Beauty: What’s new under the sun
Keep your eyes peeled for our Summer issue, on newsstand June 13. Among other great features, it boasts our annual

Hunger Awareness Day: Have you ever really been hungry?
When was the last time you were hungry? I don’t mean peckish or late getting dinner on the table. I