Bonnie on a Bike: Training for a 100-k Cycling Challenge. Countdown: 82 Days to Go!
Back in December, I got on a bicycle for the first time in many years. I was in California to

News: Have you had the S-Talk?
What’s the S-Talk, you ask? It’s a conversation the Heart & Stroke Foundation is encouraging Canadians to have in order

News: Is moderate drinking in early pregnancy safe?
I have a long list of things that scare me about pregnancy: Carrying a baby for nine months, being in

Fashion Finds: Summery pastel jewelry
Pretty pastels are a huge fashion trend this season, and candy-coated the look is tinting everything from jeans, to makeup

Nutrition: Stone fruit may fight obesity-related disease
New research from Texas AgriLife Research has found that stone fruit ‘peaches, plums and nectarines’may be able to combat obesity-related

Beauty bites: Make Up For Ever
Learn more about the Canadian national synchronized swimming team's official makeup sponsor, Make Up For Ever

News: Obesity is just as harmful to the planet as overpopulation
7 billion is a scary number’at least when it refers to the quantity of people that share the world’s resources.

News: Is this new celeb health trend dangerous?
Most celebs are in amazing shape, but that doesn’t mean we should follow their advice‘especially when it comes to our

Is it possible to be addicted to tanning?
Smoking isn't the only addiction that can cause cancer and premature aging. Tanning addiction is not only real, it's also...

Debate: Would you take a pill that motivates you to exercise more?
Struggling to find the motivation to get off your butt and head to the gym? It may be as simple

Fashion: Chic hats that double as sun protection
Skin cancer may be scary, but it’s also preventable. We already know the main culprit is UV rays from the

Are the ingredients in self-tanners safe?
Find out how self-tanners work, and how you can apply them safely and effectively

News: Is there a safe way to tan?
If you’ve heard the numerous warnings from dermatologists, hopefully you’ve already decided to avoid exposure to harmful UV rays from

Meatless Monday: Crispy Kale & Potato Bake
Kale is one of the healthiest foods you can eat. Luckily, it also tastes delicious. Here’s a really easy way

Event: Walk to Fight Arthritis
Get outside this weekend and take part in a good cause: The Walk to Fight Arthritis. The Arthritis Society and

News: Is exercise an effective treatment for depression?
New research published in the British Medical Journal suggests that exercise is actually not effective in helping to lift depression,

News: Would you eat a virtual treat?
If you could be tricked into thinking you’re eating more than you actually are, or make a tasteless, low-calorie snack

5 common sun protection mistakes
Think you're sun smart? Unfortunately, you're probably making at least one of these common mistakes when it comes to protecting...

Event: Join Best Health for the first annual Healthy Me Week
Along with Concerned Children’s Advertisers (CCA), and several other media companies, Best Health is proud to support the first Healthy

Fitness: Want a dancer’s body? Try a ballet barre-based workout.
A new fitness studio called Barreworks has opened today in downtown Toronto. As the name suggests, the studio’s classes are

Don’t Believe the Sun Causes Premature Aging? Here’s Proof
This picture of Bill McElligott, a truck driver who's been working for almost 30 years, shows how UVA rays transmitted...

5 sunless tanning products you need this summer
Get that sought-after sun-kissed summer glow but check the UV damage at the door with these amazing sunless tanners

News: Lost weight? Why your friends still view you as fat
Imagine losing 50, 60 or 100 pounds and finally being able to slip into those coveted skinny jeans, only to

Are your summer sandals wreaking havoc on your health?
The warm summer months were made for flip-flops, flats and sandals, but are we putting fashion ahead of the health...

Event: Combine spa treatments and yoga for ultimate relaxation
After a week of cleaning, painting, moving and organizing, I was in desperate need a little R&R, so when I

Fitness: Run 5K with the O-Active Running Club
I attended the launch of the O-Active Running Club in Toronto’s High Park last night where I took part in

Debate: Would you take a lung transplant from a smoker?
If you were a transplant patient on a wait list for new lungs, would you rather take a pair of

Beauty: In the shower
The arrival of hot weather always makes me shower-centric and looking for new products to try. Here are a couple

News: Magnum ice cream offers perfectly portioned treats for summer
Want to know the secret to not overindulging in ice cream this summer? Start with a small portion! I stopped