News: Is this habit as deadly as smoking?
Remember when smoking was not only considered harmless, but was common in offices, airplanes, restaurants’and even hospitals? It seems crazy

Bonnie on a Bike: Training for a 100-k Cycling Challenge. 54 Days to Go!
Last weekend, to beat the heat, my husband and I headed up to Canisbay Lake in Algonquin Park for a

6 swimsuits fit for an Olympic athlete
Want to swim as well as an Olympic athlete? Start by choosing the right swimsuit! Here are six styles to...

Athletic-chic makeup tricks
Athletic-inspired beauty has moved off the court and into the streets. Here's how to get the look

News: Where do the healthiest people live?
If you want an excuse to move out of the smoggy city and closer to the coast for some fresh

News: Could large waist size be the result of this childhood habit?
If you don’t already limit your kids’ TV time, a new study might make you want to. The study, published

Staff tested: The best in body care
We tested the latest body products to look beautiful from head-to-toe. Here's what we thought of them

News: Study finds three things you must do if you want to lose weight
Studies have suggested everything from the obvious (eat healthily and exercise) to the ridiculous (fasting and fad diets) to lose

Bonnie on a Bike: Training for a 100-k Cycling Challenge. 61 Days to Go!
The Ride For Karen is now about 9 weeks away. I’ve been clocking up the kilometres, and the last time

6 gorgeous summer sandals
Add some kick to your summer wardrobe with a pair of colour-saturated sandals

News: Study suggests surprising secret to a longer life
If you want to live a little longer, you may want to stand up. According to a new study published

News: Kids in families with dogs are healthier
Want to keep your baby healthy? According to a new study published in the journal Pediatrics, all you need to

Skin secret: Bioré skin rescue
I was at a bachelorette party this past weekend where some girlfriends and I took off on a 15 Km

News: Children’s lemonade stand helps father with cancer
When a loved one is ill, watching them suffer can make you feel helpless’especially when you’re a kid. It can

Sweet treats from The Cupcake Shoppe
How beautiful and delicious do these cupcakes look from Toronto’s The Cupcake Shoppe? I had the mini red velvet cupcake

News: Obesity may actually be a good thing for heart failure patients: study
If you thought obesity and a greater waist circumference raised your risk of heart disease, you’re right, but if you’re

Homemade beauty solutions
Best Health readers share their tips for getting groomed, buffed and beautiful at home

Bonnie on a Bike: Training for a 100-k Cycling Challenge. Countdown: 68 Days to Go
The last time I blogged about my upcoming 100-k charity bike ride for Ride For Karen, I mentioned that I

News: Why are ‘cat ladies’ more likely to commit suicide?
Consider yourself a cat lady? You may want to reconsider keeping the cat litter indoors (or going anywhere near it).

News: Is physical activity in nature more beneficial?
If you want to get as many benefits as possible from your workout, you might want to skip the gym.

Debate: Should juice be banned from school vending machines?
When it comes to sugar content, experts say juice is just as bad as pop. The only difference? Juice also

3 shocking stats about sun protection
Sunscreens may help protect us from the sun's harsh rays, but they still need improvement. Here's what you need to...

Event: Dove presents Women Who Should Be Famous
Last night I attended Dove’s Women Who Should Be Famous event’an evening which shone the spotlight on some real women

News: Study finds best diet for weight loss
Anyone who’s tried to lose weight knows there are dozens of different diets that all offer the same thing: weight

Event: A day in the life of a coffee tester, plus: How healthy is coffee?
A recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that coffee drinkers live longer than those who abstain.

Bonnie on a Bike: Training for a 100-k Cycling Challenge. Countdown: 76 Days to Go
Since that first ride home on my Specilized bike from Gears bike shop in Port Credit’21k to my home in

News: Can drinking wine every day make your life better?
If you unwind each evening with a glass (or two) of wine with dinner, you might be doing more than

Debate: Should Canada tax sugary drinks?
Obesity has been blamed for a lot in the past few years: harming the planet, the early onset of puberty,

Debate: Could cute kids be more effective than the new graphic cigarette labels?
Canadian smokers will notice their cigarette packages have gotten a bit of a gruesome makeunder as the new, mandatory labelling’covering