News: Is creativity a mental illness?
Vincent Van Gogh had a point when he said, ‘If you hear a voice within you say, ‘You cannot paint,’

Meatless Monday: Tuscan Penne with Kale and Chickpeas
Lately, I’ve been dreaming about the rolling hills of Tuscany, the art-soaked streets of Florence, the architecture and history of

Fitness: What I learned from working out with a personal trainer
Over the past two years, I’ve committed more to my personal fitness and ensuring I stick to a regular fitness

This week on twitter: Lily Allen gets mad at ‘idiot blokes,’ PPFA hates Mitt Romney and ...
Missed out on tweets from your favourite (and least favourite) celebs this week? Fear not. We’ve rounded up the smartest

Op-ed: It’s time to put girls first
Malala Yousafzai started writing an online diary for BBC about life under the Taliban in Pakistan, specifically the ban on

News: Possible cold and flu drug shortage for Canadians
As cold and flu season picks up, consumers may soon find that their go-to medications are nowhere to be found.

News: Exercise harder, not longer, for best results
Ever used the excuse that a workout’s just not worth it if you can’t commit to a full hour (or

News: Tomatoes linked to lower stroke risk
If you’re feeling guilty about your propensity for late-night pizza benders, a new study will clear your conscience. The study,

Meatless Monday: Nettie Cronish’s Tofu Minestrone
If you think you don’t like tofu, Nettie Cronish can probably convince you that you do. The vegetarian chef and

Debate: Should people with HIV have to disclose their condition to sexual partners?
Since 1998, it’s been a crime to withhold an HIV-positive status from sexual partners. Today, however, the Supreme Court of

News: Indoor tanning linked to more kinds of cancer
Just in case you still go to tanning beds after learning they have the highest cancer risk rating (right up

Nutrition: Could an apple a day keep the cardiologist away?
If you’re looking to keep your cholesterol in check, eating an apple a day may be a good place to

Staff tested: The best eyebrow groomers
We wielded the tools and makeup to give our brows that all-important face-framing effect

News: Obese brain hinders weight loss
There are already plenty of reasons to blame fatty, sugary foods for weight gain, but a new study has found

5 expert tips for perfect brows
Beauty brand Benefit prides itself on its brow expertise. Its new book, Raising Eyebrows, is a guide for perfect brows....

Meatless Monday: Carrot Apple Soup with a kick
On the nicest fall days, the air is crisp, the leaves are vibrant, and the sun is shining. This past

News: Woman loses 76 pounds on ‘Starbucks diet’
What happens when you eat most of your meals at Starbucks for two years? You lose a lot of weight.

Beauty bites: L’Occitane en Provence
Get to know the company that began in southern France

The best beauty products made with food
The latest beauty products are bursting with the benefits of healthy foods

News: Genetic similarities found between two different types of cancer
New research, published online in the journal Nature, has found basal-like breast tumours (one of the most deadly subtypes of

A weekend to savour
This week I have tons of fresh fruit and veggies in my fridge thanks to attending Savour Stratford Perth County

Meatless Monday: Spinach Pasta with Pumpkin Coconut Cream Sauce
When fall arrives, there are certain things I can’t stop thinking about. Cozy sweaters and scary movies rank pretty high,

News: Could chocolate actually be addictive?
Research findings from a team at the University of Michigan have revealed why it’s so hard to stop eating chocolate

News: How your BMI compares to people around the world
Do you have the body mass index of a Russian, a Brazilian or a Kenyan? A cool new tool from

News: Should you exercise less if you want to lose weight?
Good news for those who spend hours at the gym each day in the hopes of shedding pounds: A new

News: Are only children at a higher risk for obesity?
If your siblings have always annoyed you, a new study might make you grateful for them. The study, published in

Meatless Monday: Quinoa and Chickpea-stuffed Butternut Squash
As the weather starts to cool down, there’s nothing I love more than bundling up in a sweater and scarf,

Plum makeup trends for fall
A palette of deep plums, berries, and burgundies is as sophisticated as it is sultry. Vamp it up in fall's...

News: Is your job putting you at risk for a heart attack?
New research published in the Lancet medical journal has linked job stress to an increased risk of heart attacks and