4 things you should know about psoriasis
Find out more about this chronic inflammatory skin condition

News: Stress harms your heart as much as five cigarettes a day
Exercising and eating a healthy diet may not be enough to keep your heart strong. A new study, published in

Beauty: O.P.I. nail colours for the holidays
O.P.I’s ‘Top Ten’ mini set brings together some of the brand’s most well-known shades for $30. Gift the entire collection

Fitness: Want to know how long you’ll live? Try this simple sitting test
If you don’t believe in palm reading and fortunetellers, but you want to know how long you’ll live, this new

News: Even light smoking can cause sudden death in women
If you think just one cigarette a day is harmless, a new study might make you kick the habit for

News: Is this the best time of day to exercise?
The time of day you’re exercising could have a bigger impact on your sleep than you may think. We know

Holiday: Spare some change for a good cause
Give a gift that benefits needy schoolchildren: This decorative piggy-bank tin is filled with gourmet cranberry cookies from Quebec bakery

News: Being kind to the environment can help you live longer
Do you carpool, ride your bike and buy eco-friendly laundry detergent? If you want to live longer, you should. A

Meatless Monday: Mixed Bean Slow-Cooker Chili
In an attempt to save money for our upcoming wedding (turns out, they’re expensive) my fiance and I have decided

H&M announces clothing collection initiave to reduce textile waste
(Michelle Williams supports H&M’s eco initiatives. She’s seen here wearing a dress from their Conscious Collection). The life of fashion

The best fragrances from fashion’s hottest brands
Almost half of the 200 scents launched globally in 2012 were from well-known fashion brands. Here are four with an...

News: Does chocolate taste better when you’re on a diet?
Do you put a lot of pressure on yourself to avoid unhealthy foods? If so, you may be more likely

7 captivating fragrances
From the mysterious to the sparkling, these scents are simply lovely

Holiday: Christmas Tree Safety
If a real tree is part of your holiday tradition, the Christmas Tree Safety Angel should provide some piece of

Beauty bites: Fruits & Passion
Little known facts about the Canadian brand, Fruits & Passion

Staff tested: Styling tools
We tried the best new styling tools, just in time for holiday party season

News: Is extra sleep more effective than painkillers?
Need an excuse to sleep in on the weekend (and every other day)? Now you have one. A new study,

Meatless Monday: Hearty Tuscan Bean Soup
When you’re on vacation, it doesn’t seem unreasonable to spend your entire morning cultivating the perfect afternoon meal. This one

Is it okay to give a skincare product as a gift?
If you're planning to give a beauty product as a holiday gift, here's how to do it right

This week on Twitter: A Victoria’s Secret model’s healthy drink, Silverstone and Deschan...
Missed out on tweets from your favourite (and least favourite) celebs this week? Fear not. We’ve rounded up the smartest

Glamourous holiday party accessories
Add a festive finishing touch to your ensemble with a quick hit of sparkling nail colour, softly shimmering cosmetics or...

Debate: Should a 7-year-old cancer patient be given medical marijuana?
Even the New York Times thinks pot should be legalized’but does that mean it’s okay to treat a child’s leukemia

Meatless Monday: Fettuccine Arrabiata
If there’s one thing I learned on my 2-week vacation to Italy, it’s that the simple things in life are

Is the eyebrow embroidery beauty trend safe?
Eyebrow embroidery is an emerging beauty trend in Canada but one that has already become wildly popular in Asia, Australia...

Nutrition: Why black pepper is such a good fat-fighter
A new study has pinpointed a substance in black pepper that provides beneficial fat-fighting benefits: piperine, the pungent-tasting substance that

Movember: More ways to contribute
November is more than half over, which means those Movember moustaches are coming in nicely. Still looking for ways to

Meatless Monday: Stuffed Acorn Squash
One cool fall evening after work, on precisely the day I needed it, I came home to the comforting smell

Fitness: Commit to at least 10 minutes of fitness per day
With the holiday season fast approaching, it can be hard to stick to your usual workout regimen. But a good

Bubbly at Tiffany’s
Last evening, I attended an event at Tiffany & Co.’s flagship location on Bloor St. in Toronto. It was in