“It works for me!” -Florence K
Montreal-based musician Florence K was a music-lover from a young age. As a child, she even went on tour with

The art of the 2-minute shower
Get ready in mere minutes -while reducing your water footprint- with these tips for taking a quick shower

News: How dogs protect children from asthma and infection
Your furry best friend is more than just the world’s best cuddle companion. A new study, published in the Proceedings
Meatless Monday: Easy (and budget-friendly) Vegan Shepherd’s Pie
This year has been a crazy, wonderful one for me. I moved, got married, went on an amazing Hawaiian honeymoon,

News: What’s the yearly cost of healthy eating?
You may not need a study to tell you that a grocery cart full of healthy food is pricey –

Debate: Should Canada require cigarette-style warning labels on alcohol?
It’s hard not to notice the graphic warning labels on cigarette packages across the country. As evidenced by the photo

Meatless Monday: Zesty Tofu Bites
I’ve become a big fan of dinners where I can make a big batch, and then either pack the remaining

Fitness: The correct way to do a modified push-up
At a recent Nike Training Club workout, Nike Master Trainer (and Best Health fitness model) Eva Redpath told us something

News: Childhood obesity prevention should start during pregnancy
When you find out you’re pregnant, the last thing you’re probably thinking about is whether your future child will be

Nutrition: Health benefits of beets, plus recipes
I’ve recently given beets another try. I’d resisted eating them for pretty much my entire life, but that had a

News: Why Canadian college and university campuses need stronger mental health support
Over the weekend, a 20-year-old University of Guelph student reportedly tried to kill himself while hundreds of people watched in

News: Can vitamin D decrease pain?
If you needed another reason to up your vitamin D intake (besides our long, cold Canadian winters) a new study

Fitness: Your weekend Tabata workout
This past Thursday marked week 10 of the Nike Training Club workouts that myself and associate beauty & fashion editor

News: Are you about to enter a "sick zone?" A new app will tell you.
The daily commute gets all the more perilous in the winter, when crowded buses are potentially full of coughing, sneezing

News: On-air mammogram results in cancer diagnosis for news reporter
Amy Robach on Good Morning America with GMA host and cancer-survivor Robin Roberts. Photo by Lou Rocco/ABC via Getty Images

Makeup primers you’ll want for party season
Get party-photo ready with these complexion boosters and mattifiers

“It works for me!” -Laurel Walzak
She got her first job at 14-years-old, as a tennis instructor. Now, Laurel Walzak is the Director of Integrated Sales

DIY nail art: 7 trends to try
Manicures that push creative limits are a beauty obsession du jour. We asked three of Canada's leading nail artists for...

8 warm fragrances for the winter season
Smell delicious this season with scents that have warm notes like honey and praline

Summer clothing staples for your winter wardrobe
No need to put all your summer clothing into storage. Here's how to incorporate summer items into a seasonably stylish...

News: Kids today are less fit than their parents were
They can navigate the internet, type on a touchscreen phone and manage a thriving social life via Facebook and Twitter,

The ultimate guide to fragrance
Want to check out the season's latest scents? Here's a handy perfume lingo guide to help you figure out what's...

News: Is a consistent bed time the key to weight loss?
If you want to lose weight, you might want to stop staying up late and sleeping in – and start

Our favourite fresh workout gear
Need some exercise motivation? Add these fresh new fitness wear options to your holiday wish list

November is Eczema Awareness Month
The Eczema Society of Canada marks November as Eczema Awareness Month, and in the November/December issue of Best Health we

News: Can high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids be harmful?
Omega-3s, which are present in fatty fish, nuts and seeds, have been shown to boost heart health, fight depression and

Beauty news: Clarins Super Restorative Day cream
French skin care company Clarins puts a lot of research into sourcing plants that are exceptional and well tolerated in

Debate: Should Canada raise the cigarette-buying age?
Nicotine has been shown to be as addictive as heroin or cocaine, yet young Canadians are given the opportunity to

Beauty trend: Costume-party nails
For October 31, trick out your hands with these nail-art treats adorned with spooky spiderwebs, cute candy corn and scary