Fitness: Nike unveils Free 1.0 Cross Bionic
Pictured above is basketball star Skylar Diggins. You can find her new HIIT workout on the NTC+ app. Yesterday I

News: Vitamin A fights precancerous cells
One of the best parts about working at a health magazine is researching the latest advancements in disease-prevention. It’s hopeful

A View From Nunavut. Day 6: Sharing Experiences
The beautiful, desolate Nunavut landscape. I spent the unusually long, cold and snowy Toronto winter bundling my two little kids

A View From Nunavut. Day 5: Dreams Come True
Matthew Jaw building an igloo. I watched an igloo get built today. The EatFit team along with the Stratford kids

News: Want to lose weight? Get up to watch the sun rise.
Ah, morning light. It might be something you only have time to appreciate on summer cottage weekends with a lounge

Why we’re running to raise money for Camp Ooch
Best Health’s Jennifer Masseau (Associate Editor, Beauty & Fashion) and Melissa Greer (Content Producer) have committed to running and raising

A View From Nunavut. Day 4: Now We’re Rockin’
Some of the Eat Fit group out for a walk. Finally, on Day 4, the sun has come out, everyone

Inspiring fitness stories from our readers
Get inspired by Best Health readers to challenge yourself to a goal'and fundraise for charity at the same time

A View From Nunavut. Day 3: Now, That’s a Blizzard
A boat frozen in Cape Dorset Bay (Image: Jenny Hueston) Today, while much of southern Canada is finally welcoming spring,

News: Reduce your risk of death by 42 percent with fruits and veggies
If you don’t eat at least seven servings of veggies and fruit a day, you might want to start. A

A View From Nunavut. Kids & Food: Day 1 & 2
On Saturday, as I walked onto the tarmac in Ottawa to fly North to Iqaluit en route to Cape Dorset,

Meatless Monday: Angel Hair Pasta with Kale-Walnut Pesto
Yesterday, Toronto was sunny and beautiful – for a minute, it actually felt like spring. I opened the windows in

Making Healthier Habits: The upside of being connected
I’m about to embark on a weeklong journey to Nunavut with a group of dynamic individuals and passionate high school

Clara’s Big Ride: Clara in Montreal
Clara Hughes cycled into chilly Montreal yesterday – day 13 of her Big Ride for mental illness, which Best Health

Event: One of a Kind Spring Show and Sale
It’s a sure bet if you live in Canada that you are more than ready for spring weather to arrive.

Mental illness: A conversation with Canada’s police forces
As Clara Hughes cycles into Montreal on day 13 of Clara’s Big Ride (which she is doing to get people

11 gifts mom is sure to love
With Mother's Day just around the corner (May 11, guys) here are some lovely gift ideas to spoil your favourite...

“It works for me!” -Chan Hon Goh
Former prima ballerina Chan Hon Goh was destined to dance. Born in Beijing, she immigrated with her family to Vancouver,

3 makeup brushes you need and 9 you should get
Take your beauty game to the next level by investing in these must-have and nice-to-have makeup brushes

Making healthier habits: Calm down and carry on
How do you hold onto that calm feeling of being on holiday, when less than 24 hours after being back

News: Should doctors prescribe sleep?
If you’re feeling sleep deprived, you may want to schedule some much-needed R&R. A recent review published in The Lancet

Meatless Monday: Potato and Pea Samosas
During the week, my husband and I generally take turns making dinner (with maybe a little help from each other)

News: An important reason to sleep more than 5 hours each night
We know lack of sleep can contribute to weight gain, increase risk of type 2 diabetes and more. Now, a

Making healthier habits: Happy, Healthy Heart
I was going to write a blog about lessons you could cull from being on holiday, but it felt a

Happy news: The exact reason why dark chocolate is healthy
What better day to share some happy health news than today, the International Day of Happiness (and the first day

Mental illness: Why Canada’s youth need our help
Clara Hughes is on Day 6 of her 110-day journey (Clara’s Big Ride) around Canada to raise awareness and erase

Making healthier habits: Life lessons from the buffet
So, I’ve got a secret: I’ve been in Mexico for the last week. A lot of people are away this

News: Chocolate pills could be a thing in the future
Thanks to a delicious new study, there might be pills in the future that we’re actually excited to take: Chocolate

How to make sure a product is really fragrance-free
Looking for fragrance-free cosmetics? Here's how to ensure you're choosing the right option