The skinny on coffee creamers
If you opt for powdered creamer in your coffee to save on calories, here’s some news that might give you

A different sort of foot fetish
“You heard it here first,” my mother-in-law told me over the phone yesterday from England. “Pigs’ feet are the new

Women lose more muscle
If the promise of a lean, strong physique isn’t enough incentive to get you to pick up some weights as

Bring on the pancakes!
Real maple syrup may contain more disease-fighting antioxidants than raw broccoli or tomatoes, according to a press release from the

Avoid Honduran cantaloupes
Cantaloupes distributed in cardboard cartons with the brands "Mikes Melons" or "Mayan Pride" with "Produce of Honduras" printed on them

Pregnant women, eat omega-3s
Pregnant women who eat a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids late in pregnancy may enhance their babies’ brain development,

DNA glitches may cause schizophrenia
Rare DNA deletions and duplications are more common in people with schizophrenia, and these genetic glitches may affect brain development

Best Health on Canada AM
Lucky me: I got to hang out with the very handsome (and sweet!) Canada AM Western News Anchor, Omar Sachedina

The smell of spring
As winter drags on, my spirits could use a little lift. Apparently, Canadian beauty blogger Kristen Vinakmens feels the same.

Higher ab fat = higher dementia risk
A compelling study in the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology concludes that participants with the most belly

Runner’s high: A legend no more
No doubt you’ve heard that intense exercise, such as running, causes a flood of endorphins – the body’s feel-good chemical.

Have your bread and eat it too
Over at Noshtopia this morning, they’re talking about ways you can still say “yes” to the bread basket when dining

Reduce stress, buy a purse
Okay, it’s not in a store near you yet, but the Ladybag is bound to be soon! Six women at

Cigarette manufacturers still underwriting studies on lung cancer
A pivotal 2006 study on lung-cancer screening, published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), was funded in

Your spouse and your diet
When it comes to weight-loss, your spouse or partner can be your best friend, or your worst enemy, new Canadian

And the hormone debate continues’
Two new studies are adding fuel to the debate about the safety and benefits of HRT (hormone replacement therapy), used

Four-eyed women, unite!
New research from the University of Melbourne reveals that people who wear glasses aren’t nerds or social outcasts—in fact, they’re

Another reason to hang up the cellphone
Assume the hands-free phone in your car means you are in full control on the road? Think again. Or better

A weighty cancer concern
Obesity may not raise your risk of developing breast or cervical cancers, but it could raise the risk of not

Canada’s most expensive condition
Heart disease, stroke and other circulatory diseases cost acute-care hospitals the most to treat—an average of $11,260 per patient stay—according

What women really, really want
Forget the foreplay. A poll of 1,300 moms by Parenting Magazine found that 15 percent of women get hot and

Two weeks to a bulging belly
Take a two-week vacation from the gym and you may not see a huge difference in how your jeans fit,

Six more weeks of winter and I’m not complaining…
So the groundhog got it wrong, says Canada’s chief weatherman, Dave Phillips. While last week was supposed to mark the

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Welcome to our new site, besthealthmag.ca! We’re bringing you all the tools and information you need to live healthy —

Banish belly fat
Melt your muffin top and fight belly fat with our 15-minute flat-abs workout

Common hair problems, solved!
Top products to style and care for every hair type

10 beauty must haves
Get gorgeous with our top makeup, skin and hair products and tips

5 ways to improve your hair
Tips to keep your hair in top condition

Hair Rx!
Pro tips for the shiniest, healthiest hair ever