Angela Serednicki

Angela Serednicki


Leek & Prosciutto Pizza Muffins

Leeks, basil, and prosciutto com­bine with mozzarella to make a sophisticated pizza-style topping for whole-wheat muffins. Serve with a simple salad of arugula and grated carrot tossed with extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice.

Asparagus & Tomato Omelette

Endlessly variable, the simple omelette can reflect any season you wish. This one sings of spring, when asparagus is at its most tender.

Banana-Walnut Bliss

Get energized for a workout with this banana smoothie. According to research published in the online scientific journal PLoS One, consuming a banana during a workout is as beneficial as a sports drink. Plus, bananas provide antioxidants, potassium and other nutritional benefits.