Fit Mom: Yummy Taco Salad
This week has been a busy week. We did the photo shoot with our Vichy Best Health Challenge winner, Cora

This week has been a busy week. We did the photo shoot with our Vichy Best Health Challenge winner, Cora Coady and life coach, Dr. Susan Biali on Monday. Had a combo goodbye/welcome-back party for our interim art director, Sun Ngo and returning AD Stephanie Han. Plus, I’ve been working hard on my stories for the October issue before taking my holidays next week. Add to this that we’ve had company this week at my house. My brother-in-law, John, his girlfriend, Cheryl, and her son, Taylor, have been staying with us for a few days leading into a Walker-Family reunion at our place over the long weekend.
Rather than add to my stress, it’s been a nice treat to come home at night and find dinner waiting for me. (Usually during the week I scrounge up dinner for myself when I get home from work because my family has already eaten.) Last night I came home to a delicious taco salad and a nice glass of red wine‘perfect for the end of a busy day. We took our plates outside and watched all of the kids play while we ate. It was a great evening. I thought I’d share Cheryl’s recipe. (She also makes a mean smoothie).
My kids love tacos, but I’m not a fan. So this recipe is great for the next time they want them. I’ll brown the ground turkey (leaner than ground beef, which is a plus) and set aside some to add to the salad. The chopped romaine and tomatoes can also be divvied up for toppings for the tacos and the main part of the salad.
I found the dressing was optional. I added about a teaspoon on top, but I could have eaten the salad without the dressing because the turkey and cheese were enough. My portion (as you can see from the picture) was huge!. I ate half and put the other half in a container in the fridge and brought it for today’s lunch.
Cheryl’s Taco Salad
1 lb of ground turkey
1 package of taco seasoning
2 heads of romaine lettuce, chopped
30 cherry tomatoes, halved
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
12 tortilla chips (optional)
1 cup ranch dressing
1/4 cup medium salsa
Method: In large skillet brown ground turkey. Add package of taco seasoning and water, as directed on package. Set aside. Chop washed romaine and tomatoes. Place equal portions onto 6 plates. Add turkey, garnish with cheddar cheese. In small bowl, mix dressing and salsa until pink. Add to salad top, if desired. (You can also crumble tortilla chips on top for crunch.)
Serves 6
What’s your favourite quick and healthy summer dinner recipe?
‘ Quick and healthy family dinner menu
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