Why Wonder Woman Is My New Fitspo
Gap has partnered with Wonder Woman to create a super motivating capsule collection for fitness. Lasso rope, not included.

Wonder Woman fitness wear partnership with Gap is everything. I’ll tell you why.
Not only are strong women seen as a force in the movies, but they’re also very marketable. And with products that encourage more strength. The physical kind, by suggesting we work out in them.
“I think that it’s so important that we have also strong female figures to look up to, and Wonder Woman is an amazing one,” Gal Gadot tells Variety. “It’s great that after 75…years that this character had been around, finally she gets her own movie.” Wonder Woman is first-ever live-action film to be directed by a woman with budget of more than $100 million, according to the entertainment industry news site.
Add on top off that the merchandising opportunities – yes, we’re buying into the idea that a strong woman is worth spending money on. And enter Gap et al.

Gap X Wonder Woman fitness collection can be found at gapcanada.ca.
People.com writes: “And the girl power merch doesn’t stop there. If you’re looking to feel like a superhero during your next sweat session, look no further than the Gap x Wonder Woman collection, which includes everything from hero inspired GapFit leggings to a Wonder Woman bedazzled tee.”
I couldn’t agree more with the Toronto Star: “It makes me impatient that we’re still at a point in time where a film with a female lead needs to be celebrated.”
But I’ll still celebrate. And I’ll celebrate by working out to the Wonder Woman soundtrack, wearing my Gap Wonder Woman fitness wear. Just as if they’re Underroos.