Who says kids don’t understand healthy eating?
When I was a wee young thing, my dad purchased one of the first home video cameras. It was huge

When I was a wee young thing, my dad purchased one of the first home video cameras. It was huge and heavy, and it plugged into the TV so that I could see myself singing and dancing around on screen. I fell in love immediately. But no matter how many variety shows I hosted in my parents’ living room, no one besides Grandma would ever see the fruits of my labour (thank goodness, because I mostly pranced around in a pink ballet leotard).
Not so today, however. Now it seems like every little kid has access to a video camera and the means to upload their own creative endeavors online. Take this video we found on YouTube of a young girl sharing healthy recipes she found on besthealthmag.ca. We got a hold of the link yesterday and found it so darn cute, we just had to tell you about it. Who says kids don’t understand healthy eating? This girl, who goes by demi4smilesselena on YouTube, planned a whole show around Best Health’s nutritious recipes. We’re honoured to be you inspiration, demi4smilesselena! How about a second installment for The Healthy Eating Show?
I’ve stared a discussion on the Best Health Magazine Facebook page asking you to post your favourite healthy dinner recipes. Head on over there and share what you love to cook.
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