What’s online from Best Health’s November 2010 issue
Looking for the tips and advice we mentioned in the November 2010 issue of the magazine? Find more on the topics covered in the magazine and share your thoughts with us right here

Source: Best Health Magazine, November 2010
What’s new at besthealthmag.ca
‘ Is a broken heart considered a real medical condition? Find the answer in 7 medical myths and truths.
‘ Are long-distance relationships healthy? Find out how to make yours work with tips from the experts.
‘ Dowload our Holiday Traditions guide for great gift ideas, holiday advice and more!
New & Now
‘ New research about IBS and colon cancer is good news
Suffering from irritable bowel syndrome? Check out our natural home remedies for IBS.
Look Great
32 Love Your Joints!
You can find more easy-to-do toning exercises in the Best Health Home Workout book plus DVD. Go to besthealthmag.ca/shop to get your copy.
42 Heaven Scent
Not sure which scent is the right one for you? Check out our tips for finding your best scent.
51 The Truth About Sulfates
Can products really make your hair healthier? Find out with our tips for getting your healthiest hair ever.
52 Help Me, Rhonda!
Have a question for Rhonda? Ask it here!
Get Healthy
60 Rx for the Best Care
The next time you have a physical, arm yourself with these 10 questions to ask your doctor.
62 ‘How I Lost 86 Pounds’
Ready to start losing weight? Here are some incredibly easy ways to get started.
Eat Well
80 ‘Super Spuds
Potatoes, both sweet and regular, are full of healthy ‘nutrients. Check out some of our best healthy potato recipes.
83 Quick Fixes
Need to get dinner on the table in a hurry? Try one of our 14 healthy 30-minute meals.
88 Be an Eco-Friendly Cook
Want to help the Earth while you browse the produce section? Try these habits for eco-friendly food shopping.
93 Lovely Spoonfuls
See what else chef Paul Finkelstein has been cooking up for Best Health.
Embrace Life
104 A Whole-Life Makeover, Part Three
Check out Susan Biali’s 6 steps for finding balance in your life.
108 It’s Okay to Need Help
Register for the Best Health Challenge and get Susan Biali’s tips for setting your life goals.
114 Ask Our Sex Therapist
Want to spice up your sex life? Here’s how sex toys can be part of a healthy, happy relationship.