What’s it really like to do a juice "cleanse"?
Honestly, I’ve never been tempted to try one of these juice-only diets, but somehow, I’m on Day 3 of my
Honestly, I’ve never been tempted to try one of these juice-only diets, but somehow, I’m on Day 3 of my 5-Day all juice, all the time diet. I couldn’t resist an offer from Raw Juice Guru, based here in Toronto, to give it a go, and so far it’s all good. About 6:30 each morning, there’s a cooler waiting on my porch, filled with 6 large bottles [I think they’re 500 mL each] of various fresh, organic juices, 2 very small bottles of’well’other stuff, such as aloe vera juice and pure chlorophyll. Then I check my inbox, where Raw Juice Guru has sent me a list outlining what’s in store for the day. I just finished Juice #5 out of 8, which was lemon and watermelon…a rather tart affair! Others are kale/parsley/apple/ginger, for example, or the delicious fennel/carrot/celery/apple. This one is cucumber, celery, spinach, lemon and apple.
How do I feel? Well, hungry I guess. But kind of a dull hunger, not one of those ‘If I don’t eat soon I’m going to faint." And you have a juice every 1 to 2 hours, so you’re not going very long without nourishment. I wonder what my body is thinking: "Where’s the protein??” But on the other hand, there’s absolutely nothing processed or junky about this juice thing. And I figure that 5 days isn’t going to hurt me. [I’m certainly getting all of my servings of fruit and vegetables, and then some!]
I didn’t go into this with a primary hope of losing weight, but of course, I’d love to drop a few pounds’if they’ll stay off. So far, I have lost 2 pounds. I feel totally fine and normal otherwise, with lots of energy and a clear mind. But that’s not unusual for me on most days. We’ll see how the rest of the week pans out; I’ll keep you posted.