Uh-oh’only 9 weeks until my half-marathon!
I’m embarrassed to say that I haven’t gone on a run longer than 9 km since the Toronto 10-miler almost

I’m embarrassed to say that I haven’t gone on a run longer than 9 km since the Toronto 10-miler almost 4 weeks ago. Bad! And even worse, I just counted and I have just 9 weeks until I’m on my way to the airport to travel to San Francisco for the half-marathon on October 18.
So. I’d better get on a program, fast.
I’m going to kick it off with a 10 km race tomorrow, the Island Girl 10K on Toronto Island. (For those of you who’ve never been here, there’s an island/group of islands in the Toronto harbour, with parkland, an amusement park, some housing and even a small airport. Unfortunately it doesn’t quite look like the picture, but it’s as close as we get around here!)
It’s going to be a beautiful course, I think, but hot’and the race doesn’t start till 10:30, so the sun will be pounding down on us. Better than rain, of course, but I’ll definitely be applying sunscreen before and after. Hopefully there will be some nice soft breezes coming off the lake.
Then, I need a plan. Runner’s World recently ran a half-marathon special issue, and they have a training plan for people like me who’ve never run this distance before. One of the features I like is they don’t take your mileage too high, which is important for me as I’ve been prone to overuse injuries. It’s a 10-week plan of four runs a week and cross-training twice a week, which is perfect for me, and I think I’ll start on Monday. Wish me luck!
And if any of you are interested in getting into races, a fall 5K is the perfect place to start. Check out our 8-week training plan to get started.
View all of Kat’s running posts on the Half-marathon diaries home page.
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