Trend: Would you use a Bite Counter to prevent overeating?
Watching what I eat is not always the easiest thing for me to do, especially when I’m eating on the

Watching what I eat is not always the easiest thing for me to do, especially when I’m eating on the go. But a new diet device may be able to help with recording calorie consumption.
The Bite Counter was developed by two Clemson University researchers in order to help prevent people from overindulging, reports TIME.
Sort of like a "pedometer for eating," the counter is worn on your wrist and tracks motion to determine how many calories are consumed based on the number and type of bites taken.
Despite not knowing exactly what kind of food is being consumed, the product’s website states "the caloric content of a bite averages out over the long term. People also tend to eat the same foods week to week, further stabilizing the calorie/bite relationship."
You can even preset the counter to sound an alarm after you’ve reached a certain number of bites each day. That’s certainly one way to limit your portions and prevent overeating! But with a hefty price tag ($799), the Bite Counter seems a little out of my budget.
Would you give this dieting device a try? Is it worth the cash?
‘ 8 ways to end overeating
‘ Why you overeat on Mondays
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