Trend: Moms going to extremes to limit weight gain in pregnancy
The pressure to return to a pre-pregnancy weight is leading some new moms to develop what’s been dubbed "mommyrexia." According

The pressure to return to a pre-pregnancy weight is leading some new moms to develop what’s been dubbed "mommyrexia." According to web reports of this trend, some moms and moms-to-be are taking extreme measures to keep pregnancy weight gain to a minimum, jeopardizing their health and the health of their child in the process.
I thought that bulging belly was considered beautiful ‘ isn’t the pregnancy glow something non-pregnant women long to have?
But now, a New York Post article suggests New York City women are deliberately trying to gain as little weight as possible during pregnancy, and then returning to an intense workout regime immediately after giving birth. The Post article mentions celebrities such as Bethenny Frankel and Rachel Zoe who remained thin throughout their recent pregnancies, and suggests the Hollywood trend has sent a dangerous message to other women. Rosie Pope, owner of an Upper East Side maternity boutique and the star of Pregnant in Heels, reportedly had to add an extra-small size to her collection this year in order to meet the demand for smaller maternity clothes.
Manhattan fitness centres are even cashing in on the number of moms fighting to lose any pregnany weight they did gain, by offering "mommy-focused" fitness classes and boot camps.
The Post article reports that women in wealthier communities to be at highest risk for mommyrexia, according to Isaac Herschkopf, a Manhattan psychiatrist who treats celebrities with eating disorders. He says "women whose beauty is part of their allure, [and] women who are frightened about losing their husband’s attention" are most likely to fall victim to this trend.
Are the pressures to achieve and maintain a "perfect" body really so strong that some women avoid a healthy pregnant body and disregard the health of their unborn child?
‘ A sensible guide to weight gain during pregnancy
‘ 6 ways to build healthy body image in your kids
‘ 12 steps to your healthiest pregnancy