Trend alert: Would you spend $2,000 on a sports bra?
Just when you thought paying $100 for yoga pants was a little on the expensive side, along comes the ultimate

Just when you thought paying $100 for yoga pants was a little on the expensive side, along comes the ultimate in fitness-fashion opulence: a (nearly) $2,000 sports bra.
The Trenta Bra is a product of the collaboration between ultra-trendy workout wear line BodyRock Sport and Joseph Knight of Knight & Hammer. The custom bra features a removable necklace and charm bracelet, as well as a Swarovski Crystal neckline.
Totally practical, right? ‘Cause you know when you’re wrapping up a sweat session at the gym or jogging in the ‘burbs, what you’re really thinking is, “Wow, I wish there was some way to call attention to my gross, sweaty self right now. If only I had a little bling and a terribly overpriced piece of Spandex…”
I’m so glad that someone has finally listened to the desperate pleas of fitness buffs everywhere.
Seriously though, I’ve been thinking about this one for the past few days and I just can’t imagine what kind of practical purpose it serves. You can’t wear the jewelry while you work out and if you really want to look trendy on the way to the gym, why not just buy a necklace on its own? And while I do understand the appeal of sporting crystals on your chest’they’re just so sparkly’I have to point out that even Lady Gaga keeps it real when she’s doing chin-ups at the gym.
But, to be fair, if you’re looking to make more of a statement than "I like to work out," or are perhaps shopping for the person who truly has everything, this may not be a bad idea. You can pick this gem up online for a cool $1,850 US.
Breasts sold separately.
‘ The best bras for runners
‘ Bra shopping: How to find the best bra for you
‘ Find the best sports bra for you