The naked truth about the May issue
Why is the woman on the cover wearing only a smile? Because she’s an example of a Canadian woman who

Why is the woman on the cover wearing only a smile? Because she’s an example of a Canadian woman who lives her life with a balanced approach to health. That leads to happiness, and positive feelings about our bodies. I know that feeling—but I also know how it feels when I don’t take care of myself. I’m sure you know what I mean: you feel a little down, and you don’t feel good about how you look, either. So when we were putting together this issue of Best Health, we wanted to fill it with ways you can be your healthy best. Pick up the latest issue and you’ll find these articles, and much more:
-Take our body image quiz
-Try these crunch-free ab moves
-We tested the new "non-invasive liposuction" techniques
– You can eat as much as you want of these flat-belly foods
– A couple speaks candidly about what they think of their partner’s body–and 4 kids talk about the roots of body image
I’d love to know what you think of this issue; what do you like or dislike?
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