The foods to eat for great skin
Here’s your grocery list for the foods to eat for healthy, glowing skin

Source: Best Health Magazine, October 2011
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there were a simple recipe you could whip up in the kitchen to get beautiful, glowing skin, at any age? Well there is’or at least there are foods high in nutrients that can help skin look its best‘says Joey Shulman, a holistic nutritionist and the author of Healthy Sin Foods. ‘The skin is very reflective of our inner health,’ says Shulman.’‘I can tell a lot about a person’s diet just by looking at her skin.’
But with our busy lives, it can be hard to eat right all the time. Add to that the role of oxidation, caused by free radicals that are created at the cellular level when our skin is exposed to ultraviolet light: It breaks down collagen and leads to wrinkles, inflammation and skin discoloration. Other factors that affect the look and health of our skin include airborne pollutants, toxins in our food, sleep deprivation, stress and dehydration.
Shulman advises eating foods high in omega-3s and antioxidants including vitamins C and A. And while it’s best to get these nutrients from food, she says, making up any shortfall with supplements is a good idea. ‘They’re a great nutritional safety net.’
Of course, good nutrition isn’t the only factor’genes play a big role, says Dr. Stephen Mulholland, a plastic surgeon in Toronto. While you can’t change your gene code, lifestyle and diet changes will make a difference. ‘Beautiful skin comes from the inside out,’ says Mulholland. Here are the nutrients (and the foods you’ll find them in) to add to your daily diet for healthier skin.
Essential fatty acids
Why they’re good for skin: Omega-3 fatty acids help nourish your skin by reducing inflammation and androgen production, a hormone linked to acne.
Best food sources: Salmon and small, fatty fish such as anchovies, sardines and herring are all good choices. Soybeans and ground flaxseeds are good vegetarian sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
How much do you need? ‘There is no RDA [recommended daily allowance] for omega-3s,’ says Shulman. But the Institute of Medicine in Washington, D.C., says 1.1 grams (1,100 mg) per day for women represents an adequate intake. One teaspoon'(5 mL) of flaxseed oil equals 2.5 grams of omega-3 fats; a four-ounce (120 g) piece
of salmon contains 1.5 grams; ¼ cup (60 mL) of walnuts has two grams.
Vitamin A
Why it’s good for skin: It’s essential for healthy skin because it helps to form new cells, inside and out.
Best food sources: You can get vitamin A from vegetables that are dark orange ‘(carrots, sweet potatoes) or dark green (broccoli, spinach, kale) and, to a lesser degree, from eggs and dairy products.
How much do you need? The RDA for vitamin A is 3,000 International Units (IU). Consider this: The amount of vitamin A in just one medium sweet potato exceeds this daily requirement.
Why they’re good for skin: They help to neutralize collagen-damaging free radicals.
Best food sources: You’ll find them in beans, berries (blueberries, red grapes and blackberries), nuts, leafy greens, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and other orange or red fruit and vegetables. Vitamin C is an important antioxidant because it can slow down free radical damage on the inside and outside of skin. Vitamin C is abundant in fruit, especially citrus (oranges, grapefruit and lemons), and veggies; in fact, a red pepper contains more C than an orange.
How much do you need? ‘There is no RDA for antioxidants, only an ORAC [oxygen radical absorbance capacity] score,’ says Shulman. ‘Foods high on the ORAC score may be able to protect cells and their components from oxidative damage, and therefore improve the look of skin.’
Vitamin E
Why it’s good for skin: It keeps skin moisturized and helps wounds heal.
Best food sources: Vitamin E is found in oils’nut, olive, vegetable’whole grains, seeds and avocados.
How much do you need? The RDA for vitamin E is 15 milligrams a day. A ¼ cup'(60 mL) of sunflower seeds contains about 12 milligrams, for example.
Why it’s good for skin: It ensures healthy, well-oxygenated blood. Without enough oxygen, skin looks dull and is slower to rejuvenate new cells.
Best food sources: Red meat, eggs, spinach, liver and seafood.
How much do you need? The RDA for iron is 18 milligrams for women. About three ounces (75 g) of round steak contains 3.1 milligrams of iron; ½ cup (125 mL) of boiled, drained spinach contains 3.4 milligrams of iron. To bump up low levels, consider a supplement, but talk to your doctor first.
Why it’s good for skin: Zinc is an immune system booster, and when you have ‘a stressed-out immune system it will show in your complexion.
Best food sources: Oysters are a fantastic source of zinc, as are meats, seafood, whole grains and nuts.
How much do you need? The RDA for zinc is eight milligrams. Six oysters contain’a bonanza of almost 77 milligrams. Eat ¾ cup (175 mL) of a bran breakfast cereal and you get 33 milligrams; three ounces (90 g) of cooked Alaska king crab has 6.5 milligrams.
This article was originally titled "Eat up for great skin" in the October 2011 issue of Best Health. Subscribe today to get the full Best Health experience’and never miss an issue!