Stress Got You Down? Fight Back!

Conquer stress with the help of a specially-formulated supplement.

In life, there are so many situations that can cause you to worry, feel anxious or just simply freak out. One day, it might be a huge presentation you have to deliver at work, or a make-or-break meeting with your boss. The next day, you might face a difficult conversation with your spouse or receive bad news about a loved one’s health. You might even stress out over just how stressed you are all the time!

Constant low-grade stress can wear down our mental and physical health over time. Prescription drugs such as anti-anxiety medications or sleeping aids can help relieve symptoms, but some of these drugs come with serious side effects.

For a natural stress remedy, consider Sisu Stress Rescue L-Theanine. L-Theanine is an amino acid that’s naturally found in green tea (each capsule provides the amount found in 4 litres of green tea); it’s derived for supplements through bacterial fermentation. L-Theanine can help reduce anxiety, so that stressful situations seem more manageable, and it promotes relaxation without the side effect of drowsiness.

In addition to being non-sedating, Stress Rescue L-Theanine is non-habit forming, and tested for guaranteed potency and purity, just like all Sisu products. And good news for coffee drinkers: The supplement has even been shown to reduce caffeine jitters.

Stress Rescue L-Theanine is a great tool to keep in your stress-busting arsenal. It’s available in capsule form, as well as a handy chewable, perfect for those unexpected moments on-the-go—just keep them in your purse, car or carry-on bag. The specially-formulated supplement can give you that extra edge you need to stay at the top of your game, no matter what situations life throws your way.

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Stress Stressed Woman a Deskphoto credit: Sisu

Understanding Stress – Inside and Out

Try to think of your greatest source of stress. For many, a demanding job, financial woes or a family/social conflict immediately come to mind. However, hidden stressors like poor diet, lack of sleep or exercise, and even excessive screen time, can be just as detrimental to your health.

On the inside

To understand how stress affects us, we should first note that “stress” is not inherently a bad thing. It merely nudges (or shoves!) us out of balance, forcing us to re-establish a comfortable state. Just as we strive for work-life balance to feel at ease, our bodies are constantly seeking a similar balance in order to function optimally.

How does stress work? When you’re under stress (whether from a tight deadline or a deer running in front of your car), your body responds as though your life were at risk. It focuses its energy on the processes it deems most essential at the moment. For example, your brain triggers the release of stress hormones such as cortisol, that cause your heart to pound, and increase blood pressure to supply your muscles with the oxygen needed to “fight or flee” from your perceived threat. In addition, various tissues including muscle and bone break down into glucose to provide a burst of energy. Less immediate processes (such as digestion, reproduction, and immune function) are put on the back burner. Again, stress is not always a bad thing, and short-term stress can help us cope with real dangers, emergencies, work deadlines, etc. However, chronic stress can lead to hormone imbalance, muscle loss, weight gain and deficiencies in nutrients including vitamins C, E, and a number of B vitamins, as well as minerals such as calcium, magnesium and zinc.

On the outside

Now that you understand how it works inside, what can you do to reduce the impact of stress?


With your heart racing, blood pumping, and increased glucose in the blood, your body is primed and ready to move. This is why exercise is a great way to manage stress. Be sure to choose exercises that you enjoy, and always listen to your body. It may not always be possible to get in the recommended 30-60 minutes, 5 days per week, and that’s okay. Too much exercise is as stressful on the body as too little. Make time for a healthy, active lifestyle, but don’t let it add to your stress.

Nutrition and supplementation

As previously discussed, stress can severely deplete our body’s levels of several key vitamins and minerals. In addition to a healthy, balanced diet, a high quality multivitamin can go a long way towards correcting this issue. One of the nutrients most affected by stress is vitamin C. To more directly address a vitamin C deficiency, consider a highly bioavailable, non-acidic form such as Ester-C®, shown in research to remain elevated in the immune system’s white blood cells for a full 24 hours. Magnesium and zinc, both of which have been shown to reduce cortisol levels, are also commonly deficient with recent studies estimating up to 80 per cent of the population lacking these two important minerals. Finally, a number of botanical/plant-based extracts, such as L-theanine (derived from green tea) and rhodiola, have also been shown to support healthy stress hormone production.

Shift your perception of stress

We are the only animals on earth that can create our own stress, and an increasing amount of evidence is proving that our thoughts (both negative and positive) have a physical impact on our bodies. When you feel stressed, do your best to stay calm and in tune with the reactions that are happening inside your body. View the stress as positive and consider that it’s just your body’s amazing way of keeping you alive and safe.

Nicole Porter is a Wellness Coach & Educator who customizes nutrition, fitness and stress management programs and seminars.

This information is for educational purposes and is not intended to replace advice from a qualified medical practitioner. Consult your licensed healthcare practitioner before making changes to diet, lifestyle, medications or supplements. Inside Out is a trademark of Porter Wellness Group Inc.