Strange but true: Your leggings are making you flabby
The warmer weather is finally here and I’m already starting to see skirts and even a few pairs of shorts

The warmer weather is finally here and I’m already starting to see skirts and even a few pairs of shorts making their way out from the back of people’s closets.
But if you’ve been wearing leggings all winter, you may notice some extra jiggle when you chose to bare your gams this season. According to London, England-base physiotherapist Sammy Margo, a winter of wearing leggings will leave your muscles lazy and legs, stomach and butt looking a little flabby, reports The Guardian.
The reason your legs may seem less toned when you peel off your leggings because the tight fabric has been doing some of your muscles’ work for them. Margo says it takes about six weeks for muscles to develop once you start to exercise, so it won’t take long to get tonned again in time for the summer.
If you don’t want to give your leggings up just yet, Margo suggests doing the following exercises throughout the day:
‘ To tone your tummy, pull in your stomach muscle, release them about 50 percent, then hold.
‘ Firm up your legs by walking with ankle weights. (I am not sure how youwould hide those if you’re wearing leggings, but maybe you can start a new fasion trend.)
Have you ever noticed extra jiggle after taking off your leggings?
‘ The ultimate legs workout for women
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