In my mind, spring isn’t so much its own season as it is a prelude to summer’a preparatory period during

In my mind, spring isn’t so much its own season as it is a prelude to summer’a preparatory period during which one drags oneself out of winter hibernation and gets geared up for the activity of summer. Warming weather, lengthening days, sunshine… It’s Mother Nature’s perfect formula for inspiring her inhabitants to get moving again.
Last weekend, two friends of my friends and I went out for brunch. Over a (perhaps-a-little-too)-hearty meal of eggs, fruit salad, and other treats (I only ate half a waffle, I swear!), we all resolved to come up with "Summer Goals": a few things we each intend to accomplish over the course of the coming months’sort of like New Year’s resolutions, but with a more specific timeframe and the inspiring boost of seasonal energy to spur us along.
So, here are my Summer Goals:
- ‘ Make good on my commitment to start swimming again, as I resolved as my healthy goal in our March/April anniversary issue. I’m a former synchronized swimmer, since having to give it up a few years back. Now, I’d like to get back into the form I had at my peak. To do this, I’m not only committing to swimming laps at my local community centre pool two days a week, but I also intend to take up Pilates, to restore the core strength, stability, and posture control that synchro requires over regular swimming.
- ‘ Go on an adventure, rather than just a vacation. I’m planning a trip to Peru in August, and want to hike through in Inca Trails and visit Machu Picchu. If I come back from this trip at all rested and relaxed, I’ll know I did it wrong!
- ‘ Paint. I’ve always had an artistic side, but rarely make time to pursue my creative hobbies’life just always seems to get in the way. But, I’m tried of staring at the blank canvases and unopened paint pots I have waiting to be used. Hopefully, spring will be just the thing to inspire me…
Do you have any old hobbies or resolutions that have fallen by the wayside, or goals you’ve intended to get around to "one of these days"? What are your Summer Goals?
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