Running update: It’s getting easier
This week, we skipped our regular Tuesday workout due to rain and rescheduled for yesterday. It was hot but not

This week, we skipped our regular Tuesday workout due to rain and rescheduled for yesterday. It was hot but not humid, and beautiful in the park as we got in our run.
Last week we pushed our distance up to about 6K, and I felt good—even made it all the way up the giant hill without stopping. But I vowed to step up my training—I’m not going to get much stronger by running just once a week—and I managed to get in a couple of shorter runs between then and yesterday. The result? We did the same 6K again yesterday in about the same time, but I felt much, much stronger. And nothing helps your motivation like (near-) instant results.
When I got home, I plugged my Nike SportBand into my computer and discovered that I’ve run almost 50K since I started using it back in late June. (You can see the chart of my runs below.) I love being able to see my progress and keep track of my runs, whether it’s by individual run, by week or by month. One of these days I’ll have to start pushing myself with some challenges.
Oh, and we’ve decided to treat ourselves to brunch at Jamie Kennedy Wine Bar after the 10K on the 31st. Nothing like a well-earned reward!