Reminder: Get the Pap (test)!
No one’s excited to get a Pap test. But we spend time scheduling regular waxes, hair appointments, manicures, etc. So

No one’s excited to get a Pap test. But we spend time scheduling regular waxes, hair appointments, manicures, etc. So isn’t it just as (if not more) important to make sure things are healthy on the inside? (Plus, a Pap test is nothing compared to a bikini wax!)
October 21 ‘ 27 is Cervical Cancer Awareness Week, and the Canadian Cancer Society is reminding women about the importance of regular Pap tests. It’s a fact: Regular Pap screenings help prevent cervical cancer. Approximately one in 145 Canadian women will develop cervical cancer and one in 443 will die from it. This year alone, an estimated 1,450 Canadian women will be diagnosed with cervical cancer.
It’s recommended that women start having regular Pap tests every one to three years, by the time they’re 21 years of age. So when was the last time you had your cervix checked? Go on, schedule your appointment today. (And you have full permission from us to treat yourself afterward! We like the idea of chocolate and curling up with a hot cup of tea as suggested by the kit above.)
Join the conversation on Twitter at #getthepap and share your thoughts on Pap tests and cervical cancer.
‘ Cervical cancer
‘ Health tests at every age
‘ The adult’s guide to vaccinations