Reader letters: Summer 2008
Find out what readers had to say in letters from the Summer issue of Best Health Magazine

Source: Best Health Magazine, Summer 2008
I found out about your magazine on Canada AM and went out and bought it right away. I love all the articles and great information, and I especially love that it is Canadian. The recipes are wonderful, as are all the health and exercise tips. I am going to subscribe right away.
Jackie Elie, North Vancouver
Kudos! I picked up your magazine by sheer accident and am glad of that accident. I am only part of the way through and love everything I have read. I also appreciate that the advertisements in the magazine are health-related with reputable products, not the usual “Lose 50 Pounds in One Week” ads. I find that all sections address a wide range of ages of women. In future, you might consider adding some content for parents, seniors and men, too.
Excellent work. I also love the website and have added it to my Favourites.
Sandra Albrecht, Newton, Ont.
Congratulations on the launch of your new mag. Love the format. Love the quality of the paper. The articles are short, sweet and to the point, and the variety keeps me interested and thumbing through it. Keep up the same and you will have me as a subscriber for many years to come.
Charlotte Sutherland, Sicamous, B.C.
What a GREAT magazine! I am very impressed with the diversity of articles, as well as the quality of writing and the layout. And I’m thrilled to see the article about my online friends and me, who support each other while getting in shape (“Fit Friends,” New & Now, page 35). We were all emailing one another excitedly about it today.
Sarah Lolley, Montreal
There’s no glare on your magazine’s paper, which makes it so easy to read. I found myself reading almost the whole magazine in one evening. Keep up the quality of the articles in this great magazine.
Jocelyn MacDonald, Yorkton, Sask.
I was very excited to receive my first copy of Best Health, but I have to admit, it fell short of my expectations. One of the reasons I chose to subscribe to the magazine was my belief that it wouldn’t include inane articles such as pole dancing (“Stripping Off the Pounds,” page 95) and sexual pleasure (“Better Sex Now,” page 164). We’re already bombarded with the objectification of women, and I suppose I was hoping that Best Health would steer clear of these “Cosmo” types of features, ads and images. I did, however, enjoy a number of articles, including “Force of Nature” (page 154) and “Win at Work” (page 170). I really hope Best Health can evolve into a serious health magazine for real women.
Carlee Hanneson, Vancouver
Although I am not normally an avid reader of magazines, I found this one to be of great interest. I liked the focus on health very much, particularly the emphasis on exercise and eating well. As a clinician scientist, I have a particular interest in evidence-based practices, and I was particularly impressed with the detail provided in many of the articles, which seemed very up to date and accurate. For example, the comments on the benefits of the HPV vaccine (New & Now, page 24) were spot-on, and I thought the article on DCIS, or ductal carcinoma in situ (“Diagnosis: Breast Cancer,” page 88), was excellent. I also appreciated that the choice of advertising was pertinent to health issues.
Thank you for providing a superb publication with a focus on health.
Mary E. Hannah, Bracebridge, Ont.
Best Health is an absolute winner! I love the idea of four magazines in one, and it’s wonderful to have such current, accurate information. My only “negative” comment is that it’s published only six times a year.
Lucy Woodhouse, Penticton, B.C.
Best Health is fantastic! I’m actually reading each and every article, and finding them all useful and interesting, unlike other magazines I flip through and am done with in half an hour. I’ve already signed up for a subscription.
As a psychotherapist, I can honestly say that this magazine is a sound resource for individuals on a quest for a more healthy lifestyle. There is so much unhelpful, misleading and downright damaging psychological information out there, which is tragic because so many people look to things like magazines and books for guidance—especially people who wouldn’t necessarily seek out professional help. I really believe in Best Health.
Tina Shore, Toronto
I had been searching the Internet for a couple of months for help with my new gym regimen. I wanted fitness advice but couldn’t find anything helpful—or Canadian. Then I saw Best Health and was so glad. Finally, a magazine that reports for Canadian women and has resources you can actually find! I am so glad you saw a need and filled it. Best Health is a beautifully laid-out and well-written publication. Your website is equally fantastic and I’m just in the middle of printing off the meal ideas from the Best Health meal plan.
Many thanks for helping me toward my goal of being a happier, leaner, healthier woman, wife and mother! I’m sure my family will be thanking you soon, too.
Elizabeth Plouffe, Burlington, Ont.
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