Reader letters: November/December 2009
Find out what readers had to say in letters from the November/December issue of Best Health Magazine

Like writer Jasmin Malka (‘Powers of a Dragon Boat,’ October, page 20), I joined my first boat this summer. It’s a fabulous workout, and feeling the strength of all the paddles hitting the water is incredible.
‘Claudia Mariano, Pickering, Ont.
I really enjoy your health tips and implementing them into my life. ‘Spinning Mini-Wardrobe’ (October, page 28) was topical, as I’m taking classes at the local Y and spinning is up next. Keep up the great job!
‘Paula Torontali, Burlington, Ont.
Question 7 in ‘Happiness: Are You There Yet?’ (September, page 128) indicates that using my brain to guide me means I’m less happy than if I had strong spiritual beliefs. I consider myself a happy person, and for me, a working brain is not a hindrance to that. My 22-month-old son has no ‘spirituality,’ yet he experiences the truest joy I’ve ever witnessed.
‘Lesley Borrowman, Calgary
I find Best Health up to date and in keeping with my decision to live and eat healthily to help alleviate my high blood pressure and reduce weight.
‘Heather Rundle, Bracebridge, Ont.
As a physiotherapist, I was delighted with your thoroughness in describing the many facets of my profession in ‘A Hands-On Approach‘ (September, page 72).
‘Peter Curtain, Vancouver
After searching for the perfect Canadian magazine, I now look forward to each issue of Best Health, and will be giving it to many girlfriends and relatives as gifts.
‘Becky White, Toronto
‘Lose a Pound a Week‘ (September, page 52) sparked a lively online discussion. (Click through to weigh in with your views.) Here’s a taste:
This article cuts stuff out but doesn’t add in healthy foods. As well, the exercises assume people don’t have young kids [who keep them busy].
‘Kandi Cordery, Ajax, Ont.
The point of the article is to look at what you eat each day and eliminate one thing. And most people would have half an hour a day for activity.
‘Wendy Olson, Calgary
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