Reader letters: March/April 2009
Find out what readers had to say in letters from the March/April issue of Best Health Magazine

Source: Best Health Magazine, March/April 2009
I’ve been meaning to write this letter since I subscribed a year ago. Your magazine is so full of great tidbits along with interesting feature articles that, unlike other magazines, I find myself reading it from cover to cover. You have a good mix of serious and light: In the January/February issue, ‘My Mom and Me‘ (page 118) really resonated. Then I lightened things up by trying your quiz, ‘The Psychology Behind Your Style’ (page 45). Beyond the content, ‘I love the layout’your approach to the ‘Quick Fix’ recipes (page 94) is especially refreshing.
I’ve never found a magazine as readable and relevant as yours before. Keep it up!
Marilyn Gillich, Ottawa, Ont.
‘My Mom and Me‘ hit home. I cried a little as I read it because it’s hard to watch your parents age (mine are both 85), but they were so good to me growing up that looking after them now is the least I can do. And my kids are age six and seven, so things are crazy busy. It’s nice to read about people going through similar situations, as any advice on caregiving issues is greatly appreciated. I’m really enjoying Best Health.
Laurie Hamilton-McCracken, Niagara Falls, Ont.
I’ve never sent a letter to the editor before, but I just had to write to you about an article that my friends and I were so glad to see. We were enjoying girl time while sharing a bottle of white wine and flipping through Best Health. We were reading some articles aloud when we came to the one on the health benefits of white wine (‘Move Over, Red,’ Jan./Feb., page 17). Of course, we had all heard about red wine but none of us knew white is also beneficial. We even jotted down the best types to look for. We enjoyed many of the other articles, but this one kept coming up in conversation all week. Keep up the good work.
Angela Smith, Saint John, N.B.
I really like that there is now ‘a Canadian healthy lifestyle magazine. I buy and promote products from Canada every chance I get. Also, in the November/December issue, I found the article ‘Cook Smart to Drop Pounds‘ (page 122) had some very practical tips that I had not known about. I look forward to every issue that comes to my door.
Christine Paton, Fredericton, N.B.
A fresh-looking and easy-to-read magazine’this will definitely be a big hit. I really love the recipes. I tried Paul Finkelstein’s Caribbean Sweet-Potato Soup (Jan./Feb., page 88)’it was great! And the article on the different types of fish (‘Resolve to Eat More Fish,’ page 80) was cool as I am a fish lover.
Pauline Lowe, Mississauga, Ont.
Love your magazine. I’m a ‘fitness professional, and I’m ‘constantly referring it to my clients. It has filled a huge gap in the Canadian market.
Barb Gormley, Toronto, Ont.
‘Hit the Dance Floor for a ‘Girls Only’ Workout‘ (Jan./Feb., page 22) caught my attention. I love to dance, and I think the fun goes out of it when you worry what other people think. So the Dance Dance Party Party groups sound like such a fun way to exercise, lose weight and feel great about who you are. Thanks to your article, I plan on starting one of these groups in my own city. If anyone would like to join me, please get in touch!
Gail J. Taylor, Hamillton, Ont.
From our forums
Our article ‘How Much is ‘that Dog Bling in the Window?‘ (Jan./Feb., page 123) sparked lots of comments at Here’s a selection:
As the owner of one dog and four horses, I’m qualified to comment on this article. People used to get away with abusing their animals, but we seem to have gone to the other extreme. We need to care for and respect them, but not above humans.
Colleen Seibert, Ayr, Ont.
I don’t think today’s pets are too pampered. I have three Yorkies and they have doggy car seats, strollers, ‘a swimming pool and as many clothes as I do. As a kid, I saw dogs chained to doghouses in backyards. That to me is cruel. Every pet deserves to be loved and cherished as much as they love and cherish us.
Donna Thiessen, Guelph, Ont.
My five cats get good cat food, fresh water and a few daily treats. They don’t need fancy toys or coats, booties or diamond collars to be happy. They play for hours with paper balls. I never spoiled my human kids and I don’t spoil my four-footed kids, either. It’s not what you have on the outside, but what you have inside that counts. This applies to cats, kids and the world in general.
Ellen McLeod, Strathroy, Ont.
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