Nice ride (life on two wheels)
I have a confession to make: Until the past few days, I hadn’t been on a bicycle since my grade

I have a confession to make: Until the past few days, I hadn’t been on a bicycle since my grade 12 graduation. I got a bike as a grad gift from my parents and in less than a week it was stolen from my backyard shed. I’d lived on a bike since I learned how to ride, and I was heartbroken that ‘Misty’ (that’s what was painted on the frame, hence ‘her’ name) was gone.
But my very attentive boyfriend noticed how envious I was becoming when I would see women my age riding around the city. I’d harp about my Misty. A sweet effort or just trying to get me to stop complaining, for my birthday he bought me a brand new bike, a Nakamura, along with all of the safety gear.
This past weekend, we went riding along the Bruce Trail in Hamilton. The gorgeous weather on Victoria Day was too inviting to pass up. We biked for 45 minutes. According to Nutrition Data’s calorie burn calculator, I burned 359 kcal. Not bad for not having been on a bike in 16 years.
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