News: Will Robert Munsch help destigmatize mental illness?
One in seven Canadians has identified symptoms of a mood disorder such as depression at some point in their life,

One in seven Canadians has identified symptoms of a mood disorder such as depression at some point in their life, according to the Public Health Agency of Canada. Yet it’s still something of a taboo to admit that you suffer from a mental illness’how many of us would be brave enough to call in sick to work and tell the boss it’s because of a mood disorder? Well, children’s author Robert Munsch did something just like that this weekend when he admitted to suffering from addictions and mental illness on national TV.
In a TV interview on Saturday, Munsch acknowledged that he is a recovering cocaine addict and alcoholic. And in a note he wrote to parents on his website, Munsch admits that he has been diagnosed as "obsessive-compulsive and manic-depressive." While it’s shocking to learn that the man who wrote such joyful books as Murmel, Murmel, Murmel and The Paper Bag Princess suffers from such a dark illness, it will surely be helpful for his young fans to know that they are not alone, if they too suffer from depression. Do you think Munsch’s story will help others seek help for mental illness?
If you or someone you know suffers from a mood disorder, here’s how to get help:
‘ Mood Disorders Society of Canada
‘ How to find the best therapist for you
‘ Dealing with anxiety