News: What your Google search history says about your health
Do you start each Monday with a renewed sense of optimism about how healthy you’ll be during the week? According

Do you start each Monday with a renewed sense of optimism about how healthy you’ll be during the week?
According to a new study, you probably do.
The study, published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine, found that the "healthiest" Google searches are much more likely to happen at the beginning of the week.
I must confess: After a pretty lazy weekend (a leisurely family lunch, a movie and more than my fair share of cupcakes) I was feeling pretty guilty for not being a healthier pregnant lady. So, on Monday evening, I Googled "free prenatal yoga videos," did one online for 20 minutes, then Googled my local yoga studio and pre-scheduled a bunch of prenatal yoga classes for my upcoming mat leave. And, this morning, I started my day with another healthy Google search: A quick 10-minute prenatal yoga video to do before work. I also Googled some healthy recipes last night to make with the veggies currently residing in my fridge.
Based on this new study, I probably won’t be feeling as inclined towards exercise and healthy eating tomorrow, or the rest of the week – until next Sunday or Monday.
"We could be seeing this effect because of the perception that Monday is a fresh start, akin to a mini New Year’s Day," co study author Joanna Cohen said in a press release. "People tend to indulge in less healthy behaviors on the weekend, so Monday can serve as a ‘health reset’ to get back on track with their health regimens."
If my own search history is any indication, I would have to agree.
What do you think? Are you more likely to focus on your health at the beginning of the week?
-Katharine Watts, associate web editor
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