News: Welcome to "Blue Monday," the most depressing day of the year
Feeling a little blue today? It might be more than your regular case of The Mondays’today is "Blue Monday," also

Feeling a little blue today? It might be more than your regular case of The Mondays’today is "Blue Monday," also known as the most depressing day of the year.
As CTV News points out, "Blue Monday" isn’t exactly a scientific phenomenon. Back in 2005, a British psychologist named Cliff Arnall determined that the third Monday in January each year was a real bummer.
"I was asked a number of years ago if I could come up with what I thought was the most depressing day of the year. And I thought that was a really good challenge and I was curious to see what day that would be," said Arnall, in an interview with CTV’s Canada AM.
Arnall’s math may be a bit questionable’reports over the years have linked his formula to a marketing campaign for the British travel industry’but that doesn’t mean he’s wrong. Between lousy weather, back-to-work stress, post-holiday bills and a serious lack of sunshine, it’s no wonder that we might be feeling a little depressed right now. The good news is that there are some quick and easy tricks to help you keep the blues at bay:
‘ Spend time with your favourite people. When you’re feeling lonely already, it can be hard to think about trying to engage with other people, but keeping your own company may only make the problem worse.
‘ Laugh it off. Laughing increases positive endorphins, reduces stress and strengthens the immune system. Even just anticipating something funny increases anti-viral, anti-tumour defences, reports Dr. Lee Berk of the School of Medicine at Loma Linda University. The benefits of humour can last up to 24 hours.
‘ Eat to beat stress. Sweet potatoes are an excellent complex carbohydrate with a high level of tryptophan’an essential amino acid’that converts into serotonin (the feel-good hormone of the brain). Asparagus and black beans can also help you chill out.
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