News: Stop asking employees for sick notes, OMA head urges
If your employer asks you for a sick note every time you need to stay home, you might want to

If your employer asks you for a sick note every time you need to stay home, you might want to show them this note from Scott Wooder, the President of the Ontario Medical Association, instead.
The note encourages sick people to stay home and employers to let them.
“Employers should encourage workers to stay home when sick – not require sick notes which has a discouraging effect and forces patients into the doctor’s office when they are sick,” wrote Wooder.
I agree – if I was asked for a sick note, I would probably just go into the office instead. I find my desk much more appealing than the hospital waiting room – especially if I was only going there to get a piece of paper with a signature on it. It seems counter-productive. Instead of resting, I’d be forcing myself out of bed to go into a building with a bunch of other sick people.
‘I can’t stress it enough going to work while sick is bad for you and potentially worse for your colleagues. Staying home to rest will help you to manage your illness and prevent others from getting infected,’ says Wooder.
You’ve probably been guilty of going into the office when you’re under the weather. But let’s face it: When a co-worker is coughing, sneezing and blowing their nose, you encourage them to go home (you don’t want to get sick, after all).
The main point here? If you’re sick, just stay home.
Do you force yourself to go into the office when sick? Or do you take a sick day (or even work from home)?
-Katharine Watts, associate web editor
‘ 5 signs you should call in sick
‘ Are you too sick to work?
‘ 7 ways to prevent the flu