News: Should doctors prescribe sleep?
If you’re feeling sleep deprived, you may want to schedule some much-needed R&R. A recent review published in The Lancet

If you’re feeling sleep deprived, you may want to schedule some much-needed R&R.
A recent review published in The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology journal shows that sleep and metabolic disorders are increasingly linked – meaning you’re at a bigger risk for type 2 diabetes and obesity if you’re not hitting the hay often enough, or for long enough.
“An increasing number of epidemiological studies show an association between short sleep duration, sleep disturbances, and circadian desynchronisation of sleep with adverse metabolic traits, in particular obesity and type 2 diabetes,” the study’s authors wrote.
Luckily, the authors also note that sleep has the ability to help treat these disorders as well.
“Health care professionals can be safely recommended to motivate their patients to enjoy sufficient sleep at the right time of day,” the study authors said in a press release.
Looks like it’s time to shut down all your tech, grab your favourite cozy blanket and curl up with a cup of tea before a nice, long snooze.
-Katharine Watts, associate web editor
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