News: NYC doctors to offer fruit and veggie prescriptions
A national campaign to encourage healthier eating habits is being kick-started at two New York City hospitals. Low-income, high-risk patients

A national campaign to encourage healthier eating habits is being kick-started at two New York City hospitals.
Low-income, high-risk patients will receive counseling on healthier eating, along with coupons, called Health Bucks, that can be used towards market-fresh foods.
Health Bucks, worth $2 each, are developed and distributed by the NYC Health Department and can be used to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at all farmers’ markets in NYC, writes the New York City Department of Health.
‘Each dollar invested in Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Program nourishes public hospital patients and their families, boosts revenue at farmers markets, and supports overall community health,’ Deputy Mayor Gibbs said at a press conference.
What do you think of this program? Do you think a similar program should be implemented in Canadian cities?
-Katharine Watts, associate web editor
‘ 7 ways to get your daily fruits and vegetables
‘ 5 ways to sneak veggies into baked goods
‘ 10 ways to sneak more veggies into your diet