News: No sex dating website launches for cancer survivors
A new website allows daters to be completely upfront about their no sex policy. Sex can be painful for survivors

A new website allows daters to be completely upfront about their no sex policy. Sex can be painful for survivors of cancer and other diseases, which is why cervical cancer survivor, Laura Brashier has created a new kind of online dating website, reports The Globe and Mail.
The site, 2date4love, launched Aug. 1, and is geared toward people who cannot engage in sex due to disability, or the effects of disease or its treatment.
Brashier, a 50-year-old hair stylist, underwent chemotherapy and radiation to treat the stage 4 cervical cancer she was diagnosed with at the age of 37. According to the Orange County Register, the radiation treatments left scar tissue inside her vagina, making intercourse painful.
“Once you take sex out of it, people are still looking for companionship,” Brashier told the Orange County Register. "It’s about finding someone to share your sacred space with, to have someone in your life where it’s you against the world."
I think it’s incredibly brave of Brashier to speak out about her own health issues and inability to have sex without pain, and I applaud her for developing an online dating community to help people find a relationship focused on companionship, rather than sex.
What do you think of 2date4love?
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