News: Is this the best or worst anti-smoking ad ever?

Of all the creative efforts aimed at smokers to get them to quit – this one might be the strangest.

Of all the creative efforts aimed at smokers to get them to quit – this one might be the strangest.

The ad, which is part of the Ontario Ministry of Health’s "Quit the Denial" campaign, features a woman farting in social situations – but insisting that she doesn’t have a farting problem.

"Well, it’s true that I fart," she says. "But I wouldn’t call myself a farter."

It’s a familiar refrain from some smokers – that they only do it when they’re drinking, or out with friends. But the campaign says a smoker is a smoker – and aims to get people to realize that social smoking is just as ridiculous as social farting.

What do you think of the ad? Do you think it’s the worst anti-smoking ad ever? Or the best? Let us know in the comments below!

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"How I quit smoking."
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