News: Dairy Farmers break world smoothie record
Official Guinness World Records adjudicator, Kimberly Partrick, presents the award for the world’s largest smoothie to Dairy Farmers of Canada.

Official Guinness World Records adjudicator, Kimberly Partrick, presents the award for the world’s largest smoothie to Dairy Farmers of Canada. (From left to right Paul Vis, Dairy Farmers of Ontario, Bob Stultz, Dairy Farmers of Canada, Kimberly Partrick, Guinness World Records)
Dairy Farmers of Canada set a new Guinness World Record during "Bust-a-Record Dairy Day" in Toronto yesterday, by creating the world’s largest smoothie. (Who knew breaking records could be so delicious?)
And exactly what does it take to make the world’s largest "All-Canadian Blueberry Smoothie"? Here’s the super-sized recipe:
‘ 550 litres of Canadian milk
‘ 300 kg of frozen Canadian blueberries
‘ 150 litres of Canadian vanilla yogurt
‘ 35 litres of Canadian honey
Throw it all in a stainless-steel bolt tank and blend until smooth. Voila! A record-setting 1,000 litre treat.
If you’d like to whip up your own healthy smoothie creation to stay cool in the summer heat, try one of these yummy smoothie ideas:
‘ Smart Smoothie
‘ Coffee Smoothie
‘ Strawberry Yogurt Smoothie
‘ Chocolate Almond Smoothie
‘ Banana Peach Smoothie
What’s your favourite smoothie recipe?
‘ 6 healthy fruit smoothie recipes
‘ 7 tips for making super smoothies
‘ 6 healthy smoothie add-ins