News: Can shivering make you slimmer?
Finally, a reason to appreciate Canada’s long, cold winter. Turns out, shivering and exercise are similar when it comes to

Finally, a reason to appreciate Canada’s long, cold winter.
Turns out, shivering and exercise are similar when it comes to burning fat, according to a new study published in the journal Cell Metabolism.
The researchers examined the impact of cold exposure in healthy adults on irisin secretion (a hormone that produces heat, and ultimately, burns fat).
"We identified two hormones that are stimulated by cold ‘ irisin and FGF21- released from shivering muscle and brown fat respectively," lead study author Dr. Paul Lee told The Telegraph. "These hormones fired up the energy-burning rate of human white fat cells in the laboratory."
So, is it time to forgo your usual workout and shiver your way slim instead? Not quite. But it’s a great excuse to get inspired by the winter Olympics and try some cold-weather sports!
-Katharine Watts, associate web editor
‘ 10 winter Olympic sports and the muscles they use
‘ Winter running 101
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