New to Canada: Technogym Home Gym Equipment
Thinking about a home gym? We talk shop with Technogym founder and president Nerio Alessandri, who recently brought his Italian innovations across the pond

Source: Best Health magazine, Summer 2015
Why did you decide to launch in Canada?
North America is a priority for us, and we chose Canada because we feel our European-minded vision is better understood here than in the U.S. In a market arena driven by fitness, Technogym focuses on wellness ‘ something Canada is more in line with.
Why is wellness a priority for you?
Fitness on its own is an opportunity for a few enthusiasts, but wellness is an opportunity for everybody. We believe that a holistic approach to wellness that includes physical exercise, nutrition and a healthy mental approach can reach and appeal to more people.
What’s the most popular piece of equipment?
Treadmills are bestsellers, but my favourite is our Kinesis. It’s a piece of furniture, really, with cables that let you do more than 200 different exercises. You can do everything from strength to flexibility to core balance training. Kinesis is not only a machine but also a discipline, allowing you to train in many different ways and address many different people’s needs.
Let’s talk more about this idea of equipment as furniture.
We are an Italian company, so design is part of our DNA. We want fitness and wellness to be integrated into a consumer’s life. We don’t want people putting pieces into the basement or garage because they don’t like the way it looks. If you have nice equipment, you will put it in a nice part of your house and use it more. Design is not just about aesthetics. It’s about using something more, it’s about having an emotional approach that brings you to do more activity, which impacts your overall wellness.