New online: New site helps Canadians follow health advisories
With so many recalls being issued on what seems like a daily basis, it’s tough to keep track of all

With so many recalls being issued on what seems like a daily basis, it’s tough to keep track of all the warnings. Enter the new Health and Safety Watch website, a digital tool to help Canadians keep track of health and safety warinings. Created by a former Health Canada epidemiologist, this new site acts as an aggregator of government-issued recalls and advisories (think Google Reader but just for health warnings). Users can register a personal account for free and customize the list of recalls you follow by category and geographic location.
I just signed up for an account and at first glance, the site seems to have some neat features, like an interactive map of Canada that shows the user what areas are affected by certain recalls and a search function that allows users to hone in on specific advisories of interest.
This is a very dense site and I can just imagine how regular email alerts about safety advisories might feed health-related anxieties (cyberchondriacs should probably refrain from creating an account). But it does seem like a convenient way to help consumers make informed choices and for users to follow advisories that affect their communities.
What do you think of this new tool?
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